Weddings Weddings Weddings

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A/N: Refer to picture above. Anyone explain??

Lamar pov
We are all back at Trevor and Britts place just chilling I guess waiting for updates from Trevor. Britts parents as well as Sam have come up to me multiple times asking for updates but I have to reply with a simple 'no' as Trevor hasn't told me anything.
Suddenly I hear a phone ring
"Hello?!" I yell loudly to everyone
"Was that someone's phone cause it's ringing" I announce and everyone mutters around. They shake their head before we hear it again.
"Ok someone has seriously lost their phone" I say again and everyone goes to look for it. The sound goes off again and his time I realize what it is.
"Jokes guys. It's the door. Stop looking. Stop looking. It's just someone wanting to come In" I say and everyone calm as down and goes back to their daily business while I walk up to the door about to answer it. Jen comes with me

"Hey!!" Trevor says as the door swings open and there standing right in front of us is Trevor and Brittany.
"What the hell? Britt you're supposed to be at the hospital" I say really confused
"No I'm not. Hi Jennie. How are you babe?" She says leaning over to give Jennie a hug and a kiss on the cheek
"Good good. Yourself?"
"About to explain that. Now where is my newly wedded and my daughters?" She say stepping inside with Trevor behind her
"Turns out she collapsed cause it was really hot in the church and because she was pregnant it's more serious. She only needed fluid and then she could be released" Trevor leans over and whispers to me while the girls step in
"Well that makes more sense. Thanks man. Glad she's ok"
"Oh trust me. Me too. I was running out of excuses in my head about the cake. I have come up with so far that we had to rush all the way to Seattle to get so we had to fly" he tells me and I chuckle
"Ok. Whatever. Knowing James- he's sure to believe anything" I reply and Trevor smiles
"That's my boy!" He says as we step further into the house with the girls
"Guess who's back with cake!!" I announce stepping into the lounge room where the reception is held. They all crowd around Britt and Trevor before asking if she was ok, in secret, and then letting the party commence.

James and Maddie along with Riley, Emily, Blake and Emma had now come down and we're now about to watch old movies as a group.
"Ok ok. Everyone settled?"
"Yes" we all agree to Trevor who has remote in his hand

Brittany pov
"Ok so this first movie is me and Brittany's wedding. It was 6 years ago and Britt was pregnant with Riley so ri baby, please don't complain that you weren't here because you were. Just 8 months premature" Trevor says president play as everyone chuckles. He comes up to me and I snuggle into him watching as the first scene shows up. Right now we are having a wedding marathon movie screening where we are watching everyone get married.
"So. Right now we are at the chapel. We are all waiting for the girls to arrives we have all had a very eventful morning so they are taking their time" Trevor starts narrating on the movie scene. He has the camera and is filming the scenes of the chapel while narrating and holding the camera.
"I am here with my boys Zac, Isaac and Lamar and pretty much everyone is here- me and Brittany's family. The priest. The musicians. The paparazzi are outside too waiting for us to come out. They're not allowed in here though." Trevor continues

It time skips to the beginning of the wedding
"And here we have Brittany. She's currently walking down the aisle with John" I can here Trevor's brother who is in the audience, narrate. Trevor must've obviously gave it to him.
"Wow look at Trevor's face. Priceless. Quick everyone- this is the only time he'll listen to you. Quick go and ask him to give you a million bucks. He's mesmerized." Stephen commentates and I laugh at his words as I kiss Trevor's lips and smile. Everyone is staring at us but I don't care.

The movie soon ends with Trevor scooping me up and carrying me down the aisle in my long wedding dress. The movie turns to black as Stephen says: "look at them. They are truly amazing in every way. These guys have an incredible future in front of them. And I can't wait to see how it turns out. " it ends and everyone claps and looks at Stephen who is here (as he is James's uncle) and smiles.

"I love you" I whisper turning to Trevor and staring into his eyes
"Like I love you" he says and I smile kissing him again as everyone awwws and claps.
"Ok who's next?! Alex. Zac. I'm sure Em would love to see yours?!" I suggest and she nods
"Sure thing Britt. Put it on: we have you a copy didn't we?" I nod
My head before playing it in on the tv.

Trevor pov
"What a day" I breathe as I lay down next to Brittany and snuggle with her on our bed. Physically exhausted now as its like 11:30 pm and trust me. We have had a LONG day.
"I know right. I didn't expect to wake up this morning and be in hospital today"
"It's always a dramatic time in the Tordjman house Britt. Always has been. Always will be"
"Yeah. We got through it though. Camping tomorrow"
"Yep. You ready?!"
"Of course I am"
"Well we better go to sleep then. Goodnight gorgeous." I say to her, kissing her forehead
"Goodnight Trevor"

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