Shopping with the fam!

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So this chapter is dedicated to @AnnaNiyosenga who said that this book was "a work of art" and to be honest that is so sweet and I really appreciate it so thank you. Also to @Trittany4life because she gave me an awesome description of The Next Step Live The Movie, since I'm Australian I can't watch it and she was really detailed and specific with parts of the movie she liked and I am really grateful for that account so thank you to you also it means alot. Ok back to the book......

Trevor POV
Today was Saturday- meaning that we didn't have filming and it was a day off, which for my family is really good cause this week has been exhausting!
"Morning Trevor!" Britt says groggily as she sits at the kitchen table with the kids
"Hi hon. how are you this morning?" I reply as I come down the stairs.
"Good. I woke up a bit earlier as the kids were already up and i wanted I let you sleep a little longer cause you know it is Saturday." she says sweetly. I go over I her and bend down behind her
"Ok kids close your eyes." I warn as Riley shuts her eyes and places one hand over James's and one over Emma's. Brittany giggles as she stands up and we are met face to face. I scoop her cheek and gently lean in kissing her for as long as Riley speaks
"Are you done yet!" she says. we giggle as we pull away and into a hug
"Yes sweetie we are." Britt says still giggling.
"So are we going shopping today?" Britt asks as the kids open their eyes. she goes over to the dishwasher and places Riley and Emma's plate in the dishwasher and then sits back down with us
"Yeah I think so babe. What are we getting again?" i ask
"Well we need some food for sure, Emma needs a new blanket for her bed cause I can tell she's cold, James needs new shoes for daycare and Riley's birthday is a few weeks away so she can pick out a few things and we might get them. depends" Britt explains. riley is jumping up and down excitedly.
"Ok sounds good. do you girls want to go and get changed and James and I will finish eating and we will get changed after you." I ask
"Sounds good to me. Come on girls" Britt says taking Emma in her arms and chasing after Riley who is running up the stairs in excitement

"So how is my little man today huh?" I ask James when it's just me and him
"Good daddy" he replies nodding
"That's good. mmmm that looks nice- cornflakes. I might have some myself actually" I say getting a bowl and pouring myself some cornflakes with milk. James just stays quite eating his breakfast
"So new shoes. that's exciting. what colour are you going to pick?"
"Blue" he manages to say
"Oooooo I like that colour." I say smiling. James finishes his breakfast and pushes it away from him when he is done
"Daddy?" he asks me
"Yes buddy"
"How did I get my name?" he asks
"Ahh. Why do you need to know that?" I hesitate
"Well at kindy we were in a circle and they are asking us where our name comes from. they said to find it out on the weekend and tell everyone on Monday" he explains.

Oh god. This is going to take a while. his friends might be there until midnight!

"Um ok well you know how mummy and daddy go to work every day? well that is because we are working to be on tv because we are actors. And our show,The Next Step, which you have seen where we film because you come with us, has two characters called James and Riley. Riley's name came from the show too but not Em's. so James was who I play on The Next Step and mummy plays Riley. so your name is my stage name. it's very special." I explain. He just nods
"You understand?" I ask
"Yeah I do. so when you go to work you're James and when you are at home you say Trevor?" he asks
"Yes. Exactly right. you are very smart James" I compliment him. he just smiles
"Ok thanks daddy. I think I will tell everyone that I am named after my famous dad. does that sound alright?" he asks cutely
"Of course James. that sounds like a great idea." I reply giving him a right hug as he smiles generously
"Thanks dad" he says
"Pleasure. now let go and get ready." I say as I walk up and put my plate and James bowl in the dishwasher and tidy up before going upstairs with James to get ready.


"Ok let's go!" Britt says as she slams the door and we head out to our car
I strap Emma into her carseat and James and Riley into their booster seats before jumping into the drivers seat next to Britt.
"James asked where his name came from at breakfast" I whisper to brittany as she looks out the window
"Oh really?! what did you tell him?" she asks me smirking
"Well I said that that was my stage name from the next step. I sort of went a bit off track but I think he understood anyway" I explain
"Yeah he's a fast learner. really smart for his age" she says putting one hand on my hand that is resting on the gears
"Yeah he is. It was for daycare. they are sharing on Monday since he doesn't come with us to work that day since we are filming from the hospital. I didn't want to exaggerate too much since I knew they would be there a long time listening to him. in the end he just said that he was going to say that he got his name from his famous dad. and to be honest I actually don't mind it!" I say while driving
"Awww cute. God knows what ri is going to say" she says giggling
"Yeah. You can explain that Britt. ok kids we're here!" I yell and Britt smirks at what I said about her

We arrive at the mall and I take the kids out of their car seats, strapping Emma into the stroller with Riley and James next to us. we walked smoothly and calmly into the shopping centre stopping just outside the entrance.
"Ok so Me, Riley and Em are going to go and look for this blanket and Riley's toys that we AREN'T getting today, while you boys get the shoes- sound ok?" Britt asks, exaggerating the word AREN'T as Riley got all hyped this morning about getting new gifts when we were just looking.

"Come on James. lets go and get some blue shoes" I say as James comes and holds my hand as we work to 'Shoes and Sox' which was just around the corner from the entrance.

Brittany POV
We walk along the stores finally arriving at Walmart (A/N apparently that is an American store) where we find the blanket and go to purchase it. we get Riley's list of toys that she wants for her birthday while we are there as well Before meeting the guys at the food court for lunch.

"Hi!" I say as James runs up to me
"What did you find?" I ask. James opens the box and presents me with brand new blue and green stripe joggers that look really good. James has this big grin on his face too which is really cute
"Wow! they look cool. you look happy with them James? did daddy help you?" I ask turning to Trevor who is smirking while looking at James
"Yes. we had fun!"
"That's good. come on let's have lunch."

We originally all had Starbucks for lunch as we all love it so much. like seriously coming from me and Trevor who are addicted- surely our kids can't not like it. who doesn't?
We sit down on a bench, signing autographs like 20 times, taking photos while we are at it with lots of fans screaming after they recognise us.
After a while we go home eventually and Emma is already asleep and James and Riley are outside playing in the garden. I have such an amazing family. I am just so blessed.

I am caught up in my thoughts before I hear this scream and to be honest it doesn't sound like a happy squeal, it sounds like a 'I'm in trouble, ouch if hurts, help me' kind of scream and before I know it trevor and I are running out to see what has happened.......

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