Im so excited!!

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I know I have this chapter title already but I have it in my other book so technically this is ok. Right?

Riley POV (special POV)
Finally today is here. I have been waiting for this day for long since I have been in bed rest for the past 2 days now. I quietly make my way to the lounge room and turn on the tele and I watch Austin and ally season 9 for a while before getting really bored. I turn off the tv and start getting ready for today. Eventually my parents come out of their bedroom together with their hands intertwined and my dad is holding James. I stop doing what I was doing and give them both a morning hug and kiss.

Trevor POV
I have been awake since 6 and so has Britt so we decided to play around for a bit in bed before we got up. I pulled her in so we were close together and just kissed her. Rough. we continued to make out and she kept giggling and saying "oh Trevor. that's feels so good." and I was like "you like that huh?" And just kept going. We 'we played around' for about 1 hour until we could hear James crying and Riley doing somethin in the kitchen so we decided to get up. I got James out of his crib and walked in with Brits hand to Riley.
"And what I'm the world do you think you're doing little miss?" I ask playfully. Britt lets go of my hands and makes her way over to Riley and sitting her on her lap and icing her a hug and a kiss
"I packing for wet n wilds daddy. I have my dwink bottle, my hat, my barbie camerwa and my sunscween. is that all I need?"
"Well yes darling but we will have more packed in our bags. you are a very good girl for doing that sweetie. you must be very excited hey?" Britt asks
"Yes mummy I am. I have been sleeping for so long there are no more dreams left in my head."
"Ha ha. now would you like some breakfast riles. I was thinking pancakes what do you think?" I say
"Oh yes please daddy. with maple siwup?"
"Of course sweetie whatever you like. maybe first you should put some fresh clothes on first" and with that Britt took Riley off her lap, took her hand, took James off me and started helping them get changed while I started on breakfast. I can see this as being a very productive day. I thought this is our last day in Queensland before we head off to Perth.

Isaac POV
We are all getting ready to go to wet n wild. We have nearly packed our day bag and right now vic is feeding Maddie and I am getting dressed then we will swap. While she gets ready I will change Maddie and get her ready for the day. we do make a perfect team!!!!

Today we are going to wet n wild. We can only stay there for a short amount of time though as we have to leave tonight, so we will have to pack. we will prob finish up at around 2pm at wet n wild and then move back to the hotel to fix up our things and then to the airport for a 6:00 flight and a very long one of course. honestly I am exhausted. It feels like I have had no sleep but I have; I've had heaps and it feels like I am in a different environment which I am; well technically a different country. I don't know I am probably home sick.

Victoria POV
I get dressed and we make out way to wet n wild with brit, Trevor, Riley and James. I can't wait and neither can rRiley I run up to her and give her a squeeze from behind her pink and white spot bikini and pick her up and carry her to the big water slide on the far west side of the park. She was squealing the entire way.

After about 4 hours of browsing the rides and having lunch we were all pretty much done. it was good to catch up with Brit and Trevor I mean the kids- because they can't talk they don't understand what we are talking about and Riley just watches Netflix on the iPad the whole time so we actually got to have a proper adult conversation and catch up with Brit and Trevor today which was good. We got back to the hotel at around 2, 2:15 which was perfect as we good pack an get ready as we needed to be at the airport by 5 ( one hour before) as it was domestic. we shut our hotel door and knocked on the tordjmans door before heading to the airport in a two separate taxis. I wonder what Perth will be like? Will it be similar to Queensland and Sydney? who knows??? I have never been there before!!!!!

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