Yesterday is history......

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Brittany POV
So we are sharing our stories so far and I have no idea what is going on. Alex, the poor thing, had just ran out of the room crying just as Lamar and Jennie announced they were pregnant. I know why. And so does vic and we are on her heels in seconds running after her calling her name. I tell Trevor to distract everyone- especially Zac as he isn't to know and I go and trace down alex.

5 minutes later we find her in the music room on set crying near the piano with her legs curled up on the seat playing chords on the piano. I look at vic and she looks at me and we rush over to her explaining that it's ok and we understand why. She tells us that she tried to hold it in and that she feels really bad about doing it (running out) and not being mature enough. she also says that she still hasn't told Zac yet and we told her too. but just as we were abut to comfort her we heard this voice.

"What couldn't you hold in Alex?"
I turned around......

I saw Zac standing there with this questionable look on his face. I turned to vic and we both knew we had to walk out to let Alex explain what was happening.

Alexandra POV
So I see vic and Britt walk out and I obviously know that they are wanting me to talk to Zac and I guess now is the right time so I do.
"What's going on Alex?" He asks
"Ok. I guess I should come clean. there is something I have been meaning to tell you for the past 3-4 months or so but I have never had the chance to do so. I feel as if I have put under social influence from Jennie and Lamar as well so I just don't have the guts to let it out.

Just when Brit and Trevor and the others landed in Toronto, just after being away, when they came to our place the day before I had learnt something of the fertility test we took.

Now I know I have always wanted another child and you don't want another because you don't want me to go through with the pain but." I stated but at this point I was in tears
"Alex hon it's ok-just tell me" he says sweetly
"There was something wrong with your part of the test- your sperm was wrong or something. They said that no matter how hard we try, not matter how many times we try it will be, at the max, only 10% of getting pregnant." I say absolutely heartbroken and prettying shaking inside
"Oh. my. god. Alex I had no idea. you poor thing. aww. I feel so bad. come here babe." he said as I give him a hug.
"It's ok it's just that whenever people announce that they're pregnant or having a baby it just gets to me as I know that I can't do that. like Jennie and Lamar- I try so hard not to cry but I guess I just have to live with it now." I say still crying
"What do we do now?" He asks. I never thought that
"I don't know. maybe look for adoption or a surrogate mother. I hate to do it but honey it's out only option at the moment. if we can we can keep trying but I don't think it will work." I say sadly
"Ok. are you sure about that?" He asks
"Yeah. Positive." I say
"Ok. are you ready to go back to the group?" He asks
"Yeah. Lets go......" I say

Trevor POV
So I am just in the middle of listening to Bree and her life at the moment with the rest of the cast when Alex and Zac Pop back into the picture. Zac with his arm around Alex and Alex with red puffy eyes and tears still clear on her face. I have absolutely no clue what is going on.
"Yeah so I am now married and have 4 children- Max, Zoe, Phoebe and William. they re so cute and funny. we actually live not far from Hollywood hills and the sign. my husband Who played Chris on the show is starting in big music videos as a dancer so we live in Hollywood. wow what's up with them?" She says. we all glance to the back of the room and see Zac and Alex.
"Hey Alex are you alright?" Britt asks as she takes Alex's hand Away from zacs.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'll let Zac explain but only when I'm out of the room because I just start crying again. But let's et this show on the road. do you think we should get some lunch? I'm hungry." she says
"Yeah I'm with you. lets go. what about that burger place just down the road? although we might have to bring the food back here as I think we will come back white eyed with photo flashes from the paparazzi if we stay out there as a group altogether." I say. we all agree and go out to get some lunch...........

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