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WOW!! I bet you didn't see that coming hey? Well this is it guys. After 7 long months and countless nights of updating I have managed to pull up an amazing book that I couldn't be more proud of. This book means the world to me and some days after a long day at school all I wanna do is come home and give you all an update and every time I do it, sometimes within the first two minutes I have so many notifications. I literally leave to go and check over the chapter and I come back and there are all these votes and comments and it's awesome guys. Thank you!! You don't know how much it means to me.

I remember the first day I updated this book I had no idea where this book was going. I signed up for fun as I didn't expect that as a result this book would come as far as it has. I did not, in my wildest dreams (I listen to that song a lot haha) expect for it to come as far as 60K reads and over 160 chapters. No way. Not possible. I remember getting my first read and just being so excited.

I don't really want to drag on too much but in this chapter, I would really like to thank a couple people that have made this book possible. Where it has got to now from. The beginning. The ones who have been there from the start. Day dot. Supporting this book 100%. Thank you guys. So much.

jileyxlove so you are one of my originals. Been there since March 2015, reading every single chapter published, helping me, giving me suggestions, my true Aussie friend that I couldn't be more inspired by. Thank you for being here since day 1 for me, it means a lot.

jiley_TLA this person is a true gem. I could not honestly be more grateful for you. You are one of the few people on here that I can relate to so much, we have so many things that through Wattpad I have figured out that we share. We have always been supporting each other, helping and providing suggestions for each other's book and now look how far we come. You are a such an inspiration to me and I couldn't be more happier to have you as a huge fan of this book. Thank you thank you thank you. Xxx

swaggerjagger125 a.k.a my #1 fan. Her name since she figured out this book existed and I always find it amazing how I can track everyone reading different chapters of this book. I remember there was 1 weekend where that happened. You read my entire book and I remember waking up one Sunday morning to shout 57 notifications from swaggerjagger125 and just laughing my head off. Again another Aussie fan and friend and I am so glad you found my book. She has an amazing book too, very similar to mine, and I wish her all the best of luck with it. Everyone go and check it out; TNS: In the Future xxx

jameshair one that is always voting on this book continuously, commenting such supporting messages. I really appreciate it. That is the type of motivation I use to write my next updates so thanks a million.

To :
dancer_tns_jiley, AnnaNiyosenga, Carolina-TheNextStep, Cute_Like_Candi (thanks for the nomination), TrittanyFeels, xjileyxxtrittanyx, dayreader248 and everyone else who regularly makes an effort to vote and read and comment on my book each day, thank you!!! You guys are amazing people and I can't thank you enough for making such a contribution to this book. It has changed my life completely.

So this is the end. Please stay tuned for a sequel as mentioned in the next chapter but for now I will leave you with my favourite quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

Bye guys,
And thank you xxx

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