Dinner Dates and never lates- Part 2.

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Trevor POV
We are having the best time. It's so good to hang out as adults for once and just chill without worrying about the children as we can trust the cast. we re catching up and talking about thins we would never ever say in front of them- especially Riley .

We are about half way through dinner when I feel this vibration on my phone. I don't want to answer it as it would be rude but Brit nudges me and tells me too- just in case it's about the kids. I look at the caller and it says Lamar Johnson. uh oh. this can't be good.

"Hello?" I say
"Hi man. sorry to disturb your night out but----"" Lamar says
"But? What?" I ask confused
"Just hang on a minute I will pass you over to--" he says
"Hello?" I say again
"Hi Trevor it's alex. ammm." She starts
"Just try and hold it urn we will get to the hospital in a moment sweetie. just relax. Ok." Alex says. is she talking to me??
"Huh? Who are you talking to. can someone please just tell me what is going on?" I say. by this stage everyone is glancing over at us because I am clearly frustrated.
"What's going on?" Brit asks
"I don't know. one minute they're there and then Lamar left and then it was Alex and then he left." I say
"I'm so sorry. we had to help her. Jennie has gone into labour and we have to go the hospital to help her. it might be better if you come back." Zac says. how did he get the phone?
"Oh. right. thanks man we will be there as soon as possible." I say before having up.

Victoria POV
"Jennie has gone into labour early and they think something is wrong with the baby. we need to go. now." Trevor says
"Oh my god- is she ok?" Brit asks
"I don't know as she wasn't in the background. her and Lamar took a limo to the hospital and Zac and Alex ad the rest of the cast are back at home looking after the kids." he says as we re running to our cars.
"Ok we will see you guys there?" Brit says to me.
"Ok see you soon!" Isaac says

We get into our cars and drive as fats as the speed limit will take us to Jennie and Lamar's house. It is about 20 minute drive back. at least we know the way- Trevor and Brit had to follow us on the way because they got lost last time. lol

We finally get to their house and open the door quickly. we bolt inside and see Alex, Zac, Riley, Emily, Maddie, James and the rest of The Next Step cast all sitting int the lounge room.

"Oh you came- finally!" Alex says greeting us
"Yeah we came as fast as we could. Where is the others?" I say
"They are at the hospital. we were waiting for you guys cause we were thinking the girls could go and help Jennie cause she'd need us right now and the boys can stay here and mind the kids while we are away? Does that sound alright?" Alex asks.
"Yeah perfect!"
I go and scoop up Maddie just to say hello and then give her to Isaac and leave with the other girls. Alex and Brit do the same.

We get to the hospital and run Into the entrance.
"Jennifer Johnson please." Brit says
"Room 338- right down the hall." the lady says
"Thanks so much." I say. w wall run and open the big white doors as we see Jennie on the hospital bed in tears and Lamar sitting on the chair next to her with his hands over his face and head down. We immediately change emotions from excited to upset because we know that something wrong has happened. they have lost the baby.

"Hi" Jennie says through tears.
"Hi gorgeous. how are you?" Alex asks
She sniffles and then looks like she is about to cry again and so we all run over to her and hug her. Brit doesn't like the space so she goes and hugs Lamar and comforts him.
"We....... we......." Jen starts
"Lost the baby." Lamar finishes
" It was too late and I had a miscarriage. it must've been the show and dancing and moving around a lot as I lost quite a lot of blood too." Jennie says
"AAwwww are you ok?" Brit says also in tears
"No. we really wanted this baby." Jennie says looking at Lamar.
"And we were really looking forward to being first time parents too." Lamar says. I immediately feel guilt and so I start crying too.

"We're so sorry. we should've said something. We know how much you wanted the baby." Alex says
"No it's ok. we have to get over this. It happens to many people." Jennie says looking at the ground.

Brit steps out of the room and so I follow her.
"Are you ok?" I ask her
"Yeah I just feel really sick. it might be being in a hospital or something or it might be that gut feeling about losing my baby. I just needed some air." she says.
"Oh. well I hope you get better. can I get you anything? Trevor maybe? I am going to call the boys and tell them what happened. I can ask him to come?" I suggest
"No it's ok. i be fine. I feel better now that I'm out here with some fresh air instead of that stuffy room." she says.
"Ok I'll be a minute." I say
I sit down and dial Isaac's number. he immediately picks up.

"Hi babe."
"Hey. Your on speaker." he says
"Ok so Jennie and Lamar have lost the baby. he had a miscarriage and lost a lot of blood. I'm not in the room at the moment as I'm out with Brittany---" I say but am interrupted
"Wait what's wrong with Brit?" Trevor says
"Nothing nothing. she's fine. just felt a bit sick but she's fine now." I say glancing at her.
"Oh ok. all good. keep going." he says
"Ok where was i..... oh yeah. so I am out with Brittany and I didn't want to call you in there as its not the bet environment to be talking like this. it is very gloomy in there. Alex is just comforting them. Lamar is in a state where he won't cry but is very hit and upset." I finish
"Ok babe. anything else?" He says
"Oh yeah. Brit and I are on our way home now in a limo since we just don't think we will last long. it's better if Alex stays I think as he has more if a connection. Britt and I always feel guilt as we are first time parents, Isaac and Trevor- you and Brit have two do we are definitely feeling it."
" Ok hon. see you soon. hope you're ok" he says
"Ok. yeah I'm fine just feeling it." I say
"Ok talk when you get home. bye!" he says
"Bye" and then I hang up.

"Come on let's go home." I says

Shoutouts to @jiley_perfect1 she had this idea- well......half of it. the bit where Jennie's baby is early so yeah.

Big chapter- wanted to make it extra long.
QOTD for you: Out of all of my books which one is your favorite:

*this book
*tour one
*the one shots???

AOTD: this book

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