Welcome to the world Emma Tordjman

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Brittany POV
After we leave the hospital; 7 days later we decide to go and just spend one day at home before going into set and showing off Emma as we call it. Trevor was at home with the kids while I was still at the hospital with Emma recovering and just catching up on sleep.
Trevor, along with Riley and James come and pick both of us up at the hospital and she is home as I can drive just not confidently.

"Oh it's so good to be home" I say walking in the door with Emma in my arms
"I know that's how I felt. it feel like we are finally as a group and family all at home again." trevor says smiling
"Yeah. I get what you're saying"

I put Emma down on the couch while I go into the kitchen and make us all a fruit salad as it is kind of morning tea but lunch as well.

"Britt come and have a look at this" Trevor whispers from the couch
I stop cutting the fruit and peep through the next door at what trevor is asking me to look at.
"Aren't they adorable? Looks like Riley and God are now best friends;considering that he answered her prayers" trevor
says giggling. I glance at my two daughters. Emma laying down looking up at Riley smiling and Riley Sitting up giggling while she playfully tickles riley carefully. it is so sweet

I go and get my phone from the kitchen and snap a quick photo before Trevor ruins the moment and comes rushing in and tacking Riley to the ground, tickling her exactly as what she was doing to Emma. I laugh and snap a photo of that too before going back into the kitchen to finish the fruit salad. Until I hear the phone ring.

"Hello?" I ask picking up the home phone
"Hey Britt it's me Chloe. Do you mind coming down to set for a while with your new addition? we have all been busting to see her ever since you posted that gorgeous picture of her on your instagram. we actually can't film without seeing her first" she explains
I just start laughing
"What's so funny?" she asks
"Nothing. it's just so funny how you can be so into Trevor and I's life and how your work is influenced my our presence" I explain. Chloe starts giggling too
"Well Britt you and trevor have always been part of the next step family and we now feel as if our show has grown with your relationship. seriously. we love you two- you got to admit you guys are pretty adorable?" she says while laughing again
"Yeah we have about tonnes of fans on our side too. anyway chlo I will see you in 20" I tell her
"Ok see you soon"
"Bye" I say before hanging up the phone and rounding up the kids. I tell trevor what's happening before putting plastic wrap over the fruit salad and into the fridge we there is no time to eat now. then we make our way to set

Trevor POV (very rare to have two POV in one story- I'm in a gold mood today. Haha)

We arrive on the set of the next step int the future and as soon as we walk in the doors we are crowded by cast and crew and costume and hair and makeup and writers and cast directors and so many other tns future staff it's ridiculous. but I guess that's what you'd expect being on the set that is like a huge family!
We hear so many things like:

"Oh my gosh. You guys shes adorable."
"Awww look at her she's so cute"
"She definitely has Trevor's eyes"
"She looks just like brittany"
"Riley and James look so happy"
"You guys should be so proud of a happy family"

I think Britt got too overwhelmed because in seconds she was on the floor. still breathing but obviously blacking out and fainting
"What is going on?" frank asks
"It looks like she's fainted. I don't mean to be rude guys but can you just all maybe just give her some space" I say sort of nicely but harshly as I sit down next to Britt who's eyes are still shut. Everyone moves away though still looking concerned

"Maybe some water?" I scream
I am given water and I splash some of Brittany's face as she starts to wake up
She moans for a bit, obviously startled
"You ok Britt?" I ask her
"Yeah yeah a little bit light headed but its all good. hey trevor what actually happened?"
"Well sweetie. you fainted. you were probably just overwhelmed at all of the comments. luckily Emma was in Victoria's hands though" I reply. by now everyone was chatting in little groups away from the two of us on the ground occasionally looking every now and then at me and Britt

"Oh yeah I know. we were very lucky." she said as everyone started to come over again
"Hey guys! we're sorry for e controversy but can we maybe just have the cast first and then we will eventually make our way around to the crew and co. if you know what I mean? it's a bit overwhelming and crowded for brittany at the moment so if you don't mind that would be great" I say loudly

We hear a mutter of sounds and voices before the cast come around and start holding em and chatting as a cast. I'm so glad that they're the first to see her. I decide to take a group selfie and get everyone in surrounding Emma. I post it on instagram tagging everyone there with the caption:
'When you bring your newborn in to "show off. #thenextstepfuture #welcometotheworldemmatordjman @b_raymond" and hit send.

I love these people and to see them everyday makes it feel like they're more than just a family. To be honest; they're a family- with benefits and I couldn't be more happier

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