Tension and Heartbreak

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Alex POV
"HE WHAT?!??!" I scream about to stand up but Lamar pushes me back into my bed.
"You're not standing. You need to sit. Just calm down. He was just--"
"I don't care." I say softly tears now falling down my face
"Aww Alex. Come here. It'll be ok- just talk to him" Lamar soothes as he comes and sits next to me on be bed.
I sniffle "Did....did he kiss her??"
"No" he says shaking his head
"Oh ok that's alright then isn't it? Wait. Did he pull away?" I ask even softer
"No" he coughs softly
"Oh. my god" I say slowly
"Lamar what am I going to do?" I say burying my head into his shoulder
"Just wait for him to say something. Like I said before I had to tell you but please pretend as if you don't know. I really don't want to create a bomb between me and him. We're bros you know?" He says and I cry a little but more and nod my head softly.
"Listen Alex. Call me once you guys have a conversation but I really have to go because we have a pizza challenge to do. I'll see you later ok. I hope you're alright" he says and I smile
"Thanks Lamar. You're a really good friend. I'll catch you later" I say and he waves and smiles at me again before running out the door. Then zac enters looking REALLY flustered

Oh god- here we go

"Hey babe. I thought you were sleeping" he says walking in and I roll my eyes trying to be a good actress and pretend that I have no idea that my husband kissed Becky G.
"Nah. I couldn't sleep. For some reason I'm not tired. The labour was only 2 hours. Not much and Chloe was an easy birth unlike em" I say and he nods taking a seat on the chair next to my bed.
"How was wherever you went?" I say trying normally trying to hold back my tears
"Cafeteria. Just to get a bite to eat. I was hungry" he says and i weakly smile
"For women" I mutter quietly under my breath.
"What did you end up getting?"
"I had a coffee and a muffin?"
"What type of muffin?" I ask suspiciously
"Blueberry. It was so good. Are you ok? You sound really upset?" He asks and then I burst into tears
"Look I don't care anymore. Zac I know you were kissing Becky." He looks taken aback as I cry harder
"What do you mean?" He asks a little shocked
"I mean. I know Becky G came up to you in that cafeteria and kisses you. And I know that you didn't pull away"
"Oh my god" he says putting a hand over his mouth
"Who told you? It better not have been that man who was into me at the counter. Asking all about you actually. Was a really big fan of us" he says and I cry even more.
"If us? Yeah I really don't think there's a us anymore Zac." I say now getting really upset. The hires comes in with Chloe and sees me upset
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine thank you. Just really happy about Chloe that's all" I lie looking at Zac and glaring.
"Ok well she needs feeding now so if you wouldn't mind breast feeding her now- it would really boost the baby's nutrition" she says and I nod pulling up my shirt as Zac looks up at the ceiling. The nurse walks out and I turn towards the other direction of the room. This tension we have here is really awkward
"I'm really sorry Alex" he finally says  and I just don't even look at him. I don't even turn my head. I hear him sigh loudly as he shuffles around awkwardly on his chair. I breathe as well as the baby lets go and she sits up to let me burp her.
"Just go. I don't....I just want some space." I say now flustered myself as he looks at me one last time and then looks down. As soon as he goes I put Chloe down onto the bed in front of me and then place my hands in my eyes and just cry and cry and cry.

I can't believe this has happened and right now when our second baby is born is really the worst time. We have tried so hard for Chloe. Almost every night we did and now she may not grow up with a father. I don't know about me and Zac at the moment anymore. We used to be inseparable. Partners forever, friends forever, fiancées felt like forever, husband and wife forever, dance partners forever and soul mates forever. But now I have no idea about where we are going. Out life. Out past. Our children. Our family. Out future. Because at the moment we aren't inseparable but we're to the moment separable and with me and Zac that's not the way it's meant to be. We have two children now and it can't be this way but somehow it's turning out to be. What happens if we end here? At the hospital of the birth of our second child all because of one incredibly flirtatious entertainer that my husband wouldn't pull away from.

Because really that would break me. That wild break us. That would break our whole family and I can't do that right now. I can't divorce him. I just can't.

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