The Late Night Show with The Next Step

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Victoria pov
We are around the smoking hot flames at the moment. All the kids are sound asleep as its around 9:00. It's really calm and peaceful and like the rumours, I can hear the ocean waves crash against the shore. With a wine in my hand and my husbands arm around me- I can arguably say that apart from our Australia trip this has been an amazing holiday so far and is my second favourite over all.
"Today's been intense. You know- waking up at 6, hearing Frozen songs non stop, driving all the way hear, hearing Emma screaming almost every 5 minutes of hunger or tiredness, me almost getting a migraine as a result, James wanting to face time Maddie everyone we stopped for a break, Riley nearly throwing up. Yeah our family's- you would say are adorable but we would say are very.....interesting" Trevor says taking a sip from his beer
"You say! Em DID throw up. We had Karaoke songs all the way here, had food stops every 2 seconds it felt like, got stuck in a hell of traffic and died of Emily's whining the whole way here" Alex says almost humorously!! I giggle
"Our car trip." I start looking at Isaac and laughing
"Was nothing like that. Maddie slept 3/4 of the drive and Blake the whole way. It was peaceful"
"Haha lucky you!!" Britt says and I smile
"Ok. Ok. Enough of that- now with the goss...." Lamar says and everyone starts looking around confused
"Ah. I actually need to get a drink. Anyone wanna come?" Britt says trying to stand but Lamar who along with Trevor is sitting next to her, pushes her back down
"No. I'm serious. How is Trittany?!" He asks specifically at Britt and Trevor
"Well..... Baby's due 2 months, Riley is 7 and James is 4, Emma has just turned 1. Have a married son and we have just moved house." He starts
"Ah ah" Lamar says
"I said Trittany- not trittanys kids" he says and Trevor smirks looking at Brittany
I giggle as Isaac gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers in my ear; "you know we'll be next" and I laugh even more nodding my head.
"Umm. We're good. Actually to be honest with you- we're amazing. Personally I feel like the kids make us closer together. They form us into Trittany." Britt says
"Is that why you basically have 4?"
"Haha no......" Trevor says laughing
"Well than what's the real reason?" Jennie asks and everyone moves closer and starts laughing
"Trevor. He's all over me when it comes
to the bedroom." Britt says and Trevor playfully hits her arm
"Yep. It's totally all Trevor"
"Yeah says the one who, when you two were dating came out with gigantic hickeys all over your neck and when you were pregnant with Riley asked for more sex" Trevor says and Britt giggles
"Yeah. But that wasn't me- that was my god damn hormones. Made me do it you know. But you see guys have no sympathy" she says and I giggle
"That'd be right" I agree and then it's Isaacs turn to hit me across the arm. I squeal. Everyone laughs at our cuteness
"How's Isaac and Victoria going anyways?!" Trevor asks and I smile
"To good to be true" I say staring until his eyes
"Yeah." He says kissing me. Then breaks the kiss and turns to the group
"Ah this might be the time to ask another couple. We'll be at this for a while" Isaac says turning back to me as the group mumble stuff and then continue the conversation.
"Good. Work. Babe. Nice. One" I say in between kisses

Brittany pov
It's now around quarter to 11 and Jennie has gone to get marshmallows along with Lamar who went to get sticks
"Those guys are so Australian" I say giggling
"Yeah. They spent too long there" Briar says
"Definitely. They'll proven to stay in Canada though cause of the baby" Trevor says and I smile
"Yeah probably babe" I agree and he kisses me
"You guys know what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" I ask and everyone starts talking
"Hey?!? What about the beach?" I yell
"Oh yeah that's a great idea Britt. There's a beach across the road from us. It may be too cold
To swim though- it is September" Trevor thinks
"Maybe but they'll be fine. I know my Riles- she's a mermaid at heart" I say and Isaac laughs
"Sounds like Maddie" he says and I chuckle
Lamar and Jennie come back with sticks
"I feel so guilty having these without the kids. They were looking forward to this so much. I know that all why Riley wanted to come on his trip was so that she could have marshmallows past her bedtime" I tell everyone giggling
"Oh god bless her. She's adorable Brittany" Alex says and I smile
"She's mine" I say rubbing my belly. Trevor smiles at me as the whole group dig into the bag of marshmallows and sip from their respective drinks. There is beer, wine, whiskey, port but Jennie, Alex and i just have sparkling mineral water.

"Hey guys" Michelle says and I look up
She's holding up her glass of wine to the middle of where the circle around the fire has built.
"Cheers" she says as we clash our glasses together against each other
"To the best and only TNS cast holiday" she announces as we take a sip from our drinks

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