The calm before the storm

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Trevor POV
We arrive on set today as its Tuesday and we are bombarded with questions regarding Riley. She didn't come in with us today, instead we dropped her at my mums. Pretty much the entire cast and crew were asking us if she was ok and if her surgery and cast was ok. It's ok and it's totally fine about them asking us but why so many questions!??

"No Lamar she is my dead" Britt says as I snap out I my thoughts. I take her hand and lead her out of the crowd we have created and into the baby room out the back where we drop off James and Emma. we leave them in and start walking back out to set. I pull Britt over though.
"Hey" I say pulling her close
She looks into my eyes and smiles
"Are you ok about this?" I ask her
She nods still keeping calm.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Just keeping positive that's all. It's got to happen one day." she says and I pull her into a hug. I slowly and passionately kiss her. We keep kissing until she deepens it further and we are pressed along the wall making out.

Then we hear footsteps.
"Trittany. What are you doing making out. AGAIN!!" Alex says coming. I chuckle at her tone and she slaps me playfully
"It's not funny" Alex says and then Britt giggles too
"Uggh! Just. Just. Come on" she says and I turn to Britt
"Finish later?" I mouth to her
"Yep" she says kissing me.

We are lead into Studio A where the others are all waiting patiently
"Oh. Romeo and Juliet decided to turn up after all" Frank says as the other cast members laugh
"Romeo and Juliet?" I ask puzzled
"Yeah. You guys were meant to be, from the day we put you as James and Riley on the next step." he explains
"Yeah we think that too. Or at least that's what we told the kids" I tell him. He chuckles
"Yeah we all have our stories." Britt giggles.
"Ok so today. We are going to shoot the scenes where Riley is given a baby shower by the other girls which is shot in the studio. Then during the baby shower, her water breaks and she goes into labour. Meanwhile James and the guys have gone on a day trip as it will be the only and pretty much last time as bro's before james becomes a dad. They end up going on a road trip and getting lost. As James isn't there at the baby shower when riley goes into labour, the girls take her to the hospital, while emily calls him while calming Riley as well. However Emily, when she calls James, realises that they are lost and don't know how to get back so she asks Chloe and Michelle to go and find them and ring them back. For us our shooting today will end there but then tomorrow we will continue on. I will tell you or remind you of that plot tomorrow though. All good?" he asks us. We all nod and start to get ready with hair and make up, also getting into our clothes before we are all met out to the set for a busy day of shooting.

Brittany POV
"Ok so we will be shooting the scene of the baby shower first, then the guys road trip, then the labour part, and then Emily telling Chloe and Michelle to rescue the boys." Chloe yells
"And action" frank directs

Riley POV
So I am met by Michelle and Chloe into Studio A for my baby shower. It was meant to be a surprise but when I went to Chloe's the other day to pick up my jacket that I left there, she had a big whiteboard plan that had written on the top of it underlined and everything: Riley's Baby Shower and like come on it can't really ignore that! Meanwhile, James is out with the guys on a road trip somewhere rather and god hope that they don't get lost. My due date is in 2 days and the baby could come today.


"Oh my god you guys this is amazing!" Riley said as she came through the doors of Studio A.
"Do you like it?" Thalia asked
"Do I like it? I love it! Thank you guys!" Riley said giving them all hugs.
"So. What are we doing first?" Riley asked
"Well maybe we could eat and then open presents?" Michelle suggests
"Sure" Riley agrees
"Wow this looks amazing!" Riley said
"Well you can thank Queen Bee cupcakes and Shower's. I know it's a weird name but it did everything- the decorations, food, not the presents but they were super supportive with this shower. they did most of it" Michelle tells everyone and Riley giggles
"Ok thank you" she says
"You're welcome. So riles. Two days huh? Are you going to miss being pregnant?" Michelle asks her
"Mmmm that's really hard since it sucks like seriously the worst but like I may never get this opportunity again so I will miss it for sure" Riley tells them
"Yeah I get it. What's it like though?" Chloe asks her
"Crap. 100%. Morning sickness is like torture, the cravings get annoying and after a while not drinking alcohol really gets to you but I know that it's all worth it in the end" Riley answers and everyone awes.
Riley smiles and puts her had on her stomach.
"So what does James think?" Thalia asks
"Oh. He is just the best. he can be a little bit protective though like when I lift things that are heavy but I guess all dads-to-be are like that. haha. He was actually a bit weary about leaving me today actually but I persuaded him" Riley says proudly to the group
"Ha! You're good at that Riles. I remember when we were 19 and you persuaded Miss Kate, well James did half of it too, but you persuaded them to let you and James go away for the weekend and skip 2 days of dance. And when you went away you guys ended up doing it like 4 times and---" Emily started
"---and that's enough Em" Riley finishes and the girls giggle.
"Ok so presents" Giselle asks
"Yes" Riley nods in agreement
"Ok so who's this one from?" Riley asks the group holding up a package
"Me!" Amanda says smiling. Riley returns the smile, opening the present
"Awwww cute that is adorable" she says opening a baby onezie that was a giraffe considering that James nor Riley knew the sex of the baby yet.
"Thanks Amanda" Riley says as she gives her a a kiss on the cheek and a hug
"Pleasure and good luck with that one" she says pointing to Riley's stomach
"Haha thank you" Riley replies
"Ok next. Who's this one from?" she asks holding up a smaller package from before
"Ah me" Chloe says grinning at Riley catching a glimpse of the present herself remembering what she had bought
"Ohhhhhhhh my god" Riley shouts emotionlessly while staring into blank space
"I know right isn't it cute?" Chloe says as everyone starts talking amongst themselves
"Yeah. Owwwwww" Riley says quietly while doubling over

No one seemed to care about what Riley was doing as they were all too busy looking at Chloe's gift.
It was Emily who saw Riley
"Oh my god! Riles are you ok?" she asked
"Oh yeah thanks Em! I've been on the floor for the past two minutes and nows the time!" she says panicking
"Ok ok. Hey Riley it's ok. we'll get you to the hospital. the baby is coming now" Emily says to Riley.
"Really?" Riley asks innocently
"Yeah honey come on." she says pulling Riley up off the floor, and with Chloe and Amanda's help carrying her to the car and to the hospital.

"And cut!" Frank yells
"Great job everyone. Take 10 and we'll continue with the rest after

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