Sunday Funday

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Jennie POV
So finally the rain has stopped and we can maybe go outside today. Lamar has booked an appointment at the doctors for me just to actually confirm that I'm pregnant and to have a check up. I don't know whether I should be nervous or not but I'm pretty confident that Im pregnant so I don't have anything to worry about......right?!

Alexandra POV
I've now reached the 7 month mark of my pregnancy. I'm the furthest along our of the 3 girls. britt is 6 months and Jennie has just started. today as the rain has cleared, Zac and I are going baby shopping win Emily before coming back and going to the park across the road for a while in the arvo. I can't film the white walls this week as I am pregnant and I'd done them earlier on in the filming schedule so this week I'm sitting on with Britt and all the kids- well all except the group one

Trevor POV
"Morning babe" I say as I see my beautiful 6 month pregnant wife come down the stairs while I read the paper and eat my breakfast. James and riles are already awake and they're watching the next step on Tv. it's showing repeats currently and apparently they love the show as they love hearing their names on TV.

They're 7 and 4- don't ask why.

"Hi Trevor. wow the rain cleared alright. maybe we will get sun today" she says smiling while giving me a kiss and joining me for breakfast
"Emma awake?"
"No she's still fast asleep. it is 7:15 though so it's ok"
"Alright. have any plans for today?" I ask as she pours herself some cornflakes and milk and grabbing the coffee I made for her this morning also
"No actually I don't. do you?"She asks.
"No." i reply and she shrugs, pausing her activity of pouring milk, getting up from the table and saying good morning to the kids.
"Next step hey?" She says to Riley, kissing her forehead while she giggles. she does the same to James too- Brittany's such a good mother
"It's the one where you have to tell James you're having a baby" Riley says
"You've seen this one riles" I yell from the kitchen.
"4 times" I chuckle as Britt comes back into the kitchen and eating her breakfast. I fold the paper away and after putting my plate in the dishwasher, I go into the lounge room and sit down next to James. Britt swivels her bar chair around to face the TV as well.
"I remember shooting this babe. you hated that false belly" I say chuckling
"As hell" she says and I laugh even more

Start of scene****
"Why Riley? Why have you been so tired, so moody, so out of whack and just acting so strange around your family. atroupe. Me?" James whisper screams
"If I told you, you would go beyond shocked" Riley admits
"Riles whatever it is; I am here for you and I will get you through it"
"No James. you don't underst---"
"I'm pregnant"
James faints then and there
"See I knew it- beyond shocked"

End of scene/episode****

Still Trevor's POV
"Imagine being left on such a cliff hanger like that babe? We did well"
"Yeah we did" I agree with her
"Ok come on kids. breakfast now. what do you two want to do today?"
"Watch more next step" James says
"Ok. you two can do that. we might join you for some episodes too if that's alright?" Britt says and I nod
"Yeah I wanna watch myself on TV again"

Jennie POV
We are at the doctors office at the moment, just waiting for our names to be called. this reception is full of baby photos and pregnancy photos and height and growth charts, pregnant women and I look over at Lamar who looks extremely uncomfortable.
"Lamar. You ok?"
"Yeah babe I'm fine."
"Little uncomfortable?"
"Minority prevails"
I chuckle "Mr and Mrs Johnson" the doctor says as we smile getting out of our Seats and following her into her office.
"Jennie and Lamar is it?"we nod and smile
"Yeah that's us"
"My daughter loves you two. well she loves jiley but just you two individually on the show, she is just obsessed with" the girl doctor apparently called Cassie says
"Oh really. we like ourselves too" Lamar says and I laugh
"Ok then. Jennie up on the table and rolling up your shirt please. you believe you're pregnant is that right?" I nod my head as I lay down on the hospital table and roll up my shirt as instructed. Lamar moves next to me and as the doctor places the special (actually really cold) jelly type substance on my belly, holds my hand as we turn to see the monitor
"Reminds me of last time. doesn't it?" I point out
"Mmmm." he says smiling again
The picture ultrasound soon comes up on the screen and all we can see is black and white
"Well you are pregnant cause if you can see that thing there on the screen" she says pointing to something as big as your fingernail
"That's it. that's your baby" she says softly and Lamar squeezes my hand little lighter making me smile
"Ill leave you two alone for a while" she says before leaving
"Oh my god. I can't beige that's it. I'm hoping that it won't be like last time Lamar"
"Jennie it won't be. I promise you"
"How do you know that?" I say sitting up
"Because see that fingernail sized shape on the screen- that's our baby and I'm 100% positive that this one will live and even it's in for a second. it's ours" he pauses for a whole

"Jen. this is our baby" he continues before I look into his eyes and kiss him. hard. I can't wait for this baby.

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