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Trevor POV
"So you nervous man? I mean you've done this scene outside the cameras 3 times but on screen? You do look a bit pale!" Isaac asks me
"Ah yeah a little nervous. Partly because I've never really done this on screen before and partly because of Brittany. She is freaking out so bad" I reply as we are in he rehearsal room just the guys while the girls are getting their hair and make up arranged. The guys had already gone through that as we were always first so we had just switched about 40 minutes ago and now we were waiting for the girls

"Yeah I did realise that actually. Is she ok?" Lamar asks
"Yeah she fine. Just really stressed. We both have no experience at this what so ever. Our entire acting and dancing career have we not come across such a scene like this before so of course we are both worried." I explain
"Well I feel for you man. but West and Eldon and Lamar and Isaac will be there for you bro" Lamar says. I laugh and they start laughing too until we get interrupted by Frank
"The girls are ready boys. lets do an intense day of shooting. We start in an hour. you ready?"
"Yes!" we all respond
"And trevor. you better be" he says smirking at me
"Oh trust me frank I am. I've done it plenty of times" I lie
"Good" he replies as we walk into studio a.

As soon as I walk into the room, I cannot see brittany. where is she?
"Ah guys. anyone know where Brit is?" I yell. they all shrug or answer no so I go and look for her
"Babe? come on we have to start shooing now." I yell through the hallways
"Where could she be?" I think to myself

I wander outside as I partly came out here to fetch my water bottle from the car which I accidentally left in here earlier when I see a familiar figure on the passenger seat at the back of our car rolled up in a ball with her head down looking like she was crying. I knew who it was. Brittany.

I slowly open the door and she looks up at me her eyes all puffy and red. he had obviously been crying.
"Oh Britt" I say as she scoots over and I sit next to her on another seat and she buries her head in my chest and I wrap my arms around her
"Are you ok?" I ask. she shakes her head
"What's wrong?"i ask her
'I just.....dont......think.....I" she manages to spit out through tears
"Come on Brit. Yes you can! why are you afraid of?"
"Everything. Trevor I have just given birth to Emma and they expect me to do it again but in a false action?!! I just don't know if I feel comfortable doing that with everyone looking at me doing that scene. I mean with Emma we were in a private room and it was just you me and the midwife. now it will be the big wide bloomin Next Step casts and Crew! I honestly don't know if I feel comfortable enough doing that!?" she admits

"It's ok. I will be there. we will be fine. you am do this Britt" I say confidently. she stares into my eyes.
"Really?" she asks again
"Positive" I admit shyly
She stares into my eyes again and I stare onto here and immediately I start leaning in and this stare turns into a make out session. She moans at every time i take step further in our kiss and she then kisses back roughly. it is a perfect way to start today over again. we are still making out in the back of our car for about 25 minutes until I pull away
"I love you so much" I tell her
"I love you more than you love me." she says as she gives me another short kiss
"You know that's not possible. and you know that we better head into set before we get fired! remember how we used to make out in the cast lounge after hours. we nearly got fired a couple of times there too" I recall
"Yeah but it was fun though. It seriously did work out for the two of us!" she says smiling
"Of course it did. I always had high hopes for tritttany" I say as I pull her up and out of our car, slamming the door behind us
"You did! I think everyone did. especially all of our fans" she says laughing
"Yeah they were pretty adamant that we were going to be together. I remember when we got married- we were in the paper and online magazine articles for weeks not months with every article either sharing our lovely past together or rumours that you were pregnant which you were but thy didn't know that which was pretty funny!" I say laughing
"Yeah. I remember when we announced it- they went crazy!" she says
"That's why thy are going to love this movie of ours. and we are going to enjoy making it. Come on! we can do it!" I encourage her as we walk through the doors of Studio A on set

"Yeah......let's do it" she says highly unenthused. Yep this is definitely going to be a day and a scene to remember

Does anyone know what episode of season 3 it is when Riley is lying down on the bench in studio a and James is above looking down on her?! I have seen nearly every episode and I am pretty sure I have missed that scene! Anyone know?

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