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Brittany pov
I start walking and heading toward the kitchen. Trevor trailing behind with a very upset and angry look on his face.
"What do you mean media,depression?" I ask
"Well first of all-have you seen the news?" he asks
"Yeah I have they stalked you all the way to school"
"Exactly. they have no right to do that Brittany they just.......it just frustrates me that they have to get into our faces 24/7. I mean what is so important about school anyway?"
"I know right. That's what I said. we need to put a stop to this right-----oh my god" I scream
"What? What's wrong?"
"No nothing......the baby was kicking." I say excitedly
"Oh my gosh really? Let me feel?" He says while he puts his hand on my stomach. it kicks once more than stops
"Ahh. that's so amazing. I'm so proud of us." he says looking back up at my eyes
"Me too" then we start kissing like mad and he literally climbs on top of me.
"Woah woah woah. are you sure this is safe?" I ask while he kisses my neck.
"Yeah of course it is" he says
"Ok!" I say and we carry on.

Victoria POV
Today Isaac, maddie and I are going to Alex and zacs place for another BBQ. i cant believe how much maddie has grown! she is actually nearly 1 and so is James. we just cant believe how fast they are growing up. its unbelievable.

Im looking forward to the BBQ this time we are going to their house again but without Britt and Trevor as they had some things they needed to deal with. apparently Britt wasn't feeling too good either the poor thing.

We hop in the car and start driving. Isaac turns on the radio and the song 'Sugar' comes on by Maroon 5. It comes to the chorus and I turn my head around to the back seat to see maddie dancing to the song. it's the cutesy thing. I take my phone out to record what she is doing and tell Isaac to take a look through the rear view mirror to see her dancing as well. it was so funny. she is going to be a dancer. I know it for sure

We pull up to their driveway and I get maddie out of her car seat and we knock on their door.
"Hi!" we say as Zac opens the door
He doesn't say anything except looks at us with a really sad face
"Hey man" Isaac says sort of lightening up the mood
He still doesn't say a word
"Bro? what's going on?" Isaac says
"Just come in. you will figure it out. i....would just prefer not to talk about it....." he says. I look at Isaac with a confused look and then follow him inside. still with maddie in my arms

I am met at the end of the kitchen by aLex. make up all over her face. her hair a mess. her face a shade of bright beet root red. her clothes are scattered everyone all over her. Tissues are all over the floor. the tv is on low and is still on. the blanket is flown on the floor. directory books and phones absolutely everywhere.

I look at Isaac who has the same confused and worried look I have. I put maddie down on the couch and go and give Alex and huge hug and a kiss on the cheek knowing something is obviously going wrong. I then turn to them both.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask once again
"It's Emily....Shes missing" Zac says.

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