Jiley Dialogue

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Ok so before you read this chapter you should probably know that it is set entirely in Victorias POV. when it is in italics it means that shooting is going on. as it says Riley POV and James POV it means that they have individual 'talking heads' if you may, and the directors pull them aside to ask how they are feeling through the scene. then the 'talking head' finishes and it goes back to dialogue- that's why it's in third person. If you are confused DM me or comment on the chapter. Hope it's not too confusing- Enjoy xo

Victoria POV
"Ok everyone so we are starting from the very beginning of the scene. It starts off where you are all dancing a routine with Riley on the bench watching.
Giselle as dance captain is standing at the front leading while the others are in line placements behind her. she calls for a dismissal of class after a while- Jordan you know when, and then you all go and get juices except for James who goes and accompanies Riley at the bench. they talk for a while and then James helps Riley up and they head back home to their mansion which will be the scene we shoot after the next one of everyone at Hildagos which i will discuss later. we will shoot the scene where riley gives birth later and will be quite long since we will have to move to a new set at the hospital. Kabish?"Franks asks in Italian
"Kabish. " we all respond
"Ok places everyone. and action" he calls

** Scene shooting **
"Ok from the turn girls lets go. 5 6 7 8. up, down, kick back and land in the splits. good! well done. ok guys you flip in towards the girls, up, down and then flip again when the girls go down in splits. ok get it? from the top. And 5 6 7 8." Giselle says as the others start her routine as a group
"Well done you guys that was awesome"

Riley POV
I don't know if I'm comfortable. I mean I'm 9 months pregnant of course I'm not comfortable but you don't know how much I want to dance! I hate watching them dance, watching them just makes me want to dance even more. But I can't- cause this unborn child of mine still won't come out of me.


"Ok guys that's it for today. Well done- see you here tomorrow 8:00. Great Job! Thank you" Giselle announces as they all head out the for except for James.

James POV
I feel for Riley. I know she loves dance as it makes her happy and because she's not dancing she's not happy. and that makes me unhappy. But we all know its for a cause and we can't kill that cause just to let Riley dance. it's just..... not possible


"Hey" James says as he sits down next to Riley
"Hi" riley replies
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm fine"
James glares at Riley with this 'I know you're lying face'
"Ok fine to be honest I'm not ok. I want to dance so badly. James you don't know how hard it is not to dance. Watching you guys just makes me want to dance even more" Riley announces
"Yeah I know baby. I understand" James reassures her

James POV
I don't understand! I told her to stay at home for the very reason! She just wouldn't stay though- she didn't want to be alone. That's Riley's for you!


"Are you excited for the baby though?" James asks
"Yes but I just want it out of me already! it's so irritating" Riley says
"Yeah tell me about it" James mutter quietly to himself
"You wouldn't know- its 100% the most difficult thing I have experience and child birth is still to come James- how am I supposed to do this?" Riley's hesitates
"Hey hey hey. Babe. listen to me- I will be there and everything will be ok. alright- just don't even worry about it! you should be excited not worried. " James says calmly
"Ok. I know atroupe is excited too. Do we know the godparents yet?" riley ask
"Emily and West isn't it?"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure it is"
"Ok good but we won't tell them yet. Ok?" he asks her
"Yeah sure. surprise them?"
"Yep. Come on let's get you home. I think maybe we should stay at home since it is your due date. I don't want a studio birth miss Riley" James says cheekily as he helps Riley up and out of the studio towards their car
"Who's we?" She asks
"Me and you"
"James you are not staying home- you need to be at the studio" Riley argues
"No I don't. I need to be with you"
"No you don't."
"Yes I do"
"No you--"she starts
"Ah! shh" james finishes before kissing her
"Ok then?" she asks confused and feeling slightly defeated
"Exactly. we will have a nice day tomorrow just you and me" James says feeling proud that he won a very intense battle with his very heavily pregnant wife. they walk out hand in hand to their car as thy drive home

"Cut" Frank yells out
"That's a wrap for scene 1- Tordjmans fantastic effort. Ill see you all back except for the happy couple in 20 for the scene down in Hildagos. Brit, Trevor take 1 hour break for lunch so Brittany can finally take that stupid false belly off and you can relax a bit. see you shortly" he yells loudly before they walk of happily to the cast lounge

"Everyone else. Costume B and ill see you in 30" he says as me as well as the rest of the cast apart from Brit and Trevor make our way to the costume and dressing rooms where we get into our normal clothes or Costume B.

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