'Any more questions??.........'

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Trevor POV
"So Thank You Sydney for having us today. We are so pleased to have you all come to us and ask us so many questions. Who would like to start though??" I yell at the tonnes of fans I have screaming in front of me and Brit, Isaac and Vic. It is still phenomenal even after all these years!!!

1. "How long have you had Maddie and James for?" One girl asked. Vic answered this one.
"Well we have had Maddie for 2 months and 3 days today and James is 2 months and 2 days. They were born a day apart and in the same hospital. They are very special to us" she answered.
2. "Do you miss acting on The Next Step? Do you ever wished that it was still in filming? Another asked
"Ammm. I know I do. I definitely miss it as it was a great opportunity to dance and act at the same time. But after 5 years I think the Next step had had its run and there was nothing left to share. All the drama had been filled and so were the relationships, so I think that even though I know you guys miss it and so do we, it has now had its time." Brittany replied.
"Yeah I think that the next step was extremely successful in its time and as much as we all miss it- we can't keep going on forever it will become boring." Isaac added.

3. "We understand that you guys have still stayed in contact with each other, how close are you now- friendship and relationship wise with your respective partners?" One boy asked quite comprehensively I thought.
"Well I know Britt and I have a very well matured and structured relationship as we are married and have two children but we can also tend to disagree on some things sometimes but I guess that's part of marriage. We both love each other very much and we love our kids just as much so I think that's all that matters." I say. Everyone awwwws.
" yeah it's pretty much the same with vic and I. We have a very strong relationship and friendship between each other and we are so lucky we met each other and fell in love. We have Maddie as well and that helps our family enhance dramatically and physically. We are now really happy with our lives and that's the best thing." Isaac says and everyone is awwwing again. I think one girl even cried.

The questions kept coming until we reached the end of the session where they could all meet us in person and get an autography with us backstage but hat was only for VIPs as we wouldn't get to everyone on time. After it had finished and had made most of our fans cry, we headed back to the hotel with Maddie, James and Riley an discussed tomorrow's plan as we were going to Queensland to visit the theme parks. We had dinner in a nice restaurant on the harbour and then made our way to bed as we were all exhausted. Riley crashed but James was awake twice in the night so Brit and I took turns in rocking him back and forth and getting to put him back to sleep. We all couldn't wait for tomorrow. I was really looking forward to Wet n Wild I think it was called because it has lots of water and the kids will love it!!!

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