Yep the cat is out of the bag

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Hey guys. I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in like 4 days I have two other books that I'm writing at the moment so I have to balance them all when I can. go and check them all out- I promise you'll love them.

I will update twice tonight (or today for some people) so yeah I hope you like it. enjoy xx

Trevor POV
"Thank you. for that it must be an extremely tough time for the cast at the moment. speaking about rumours and I know this one is a tad ridiculous since You already have two children but is it true that you're having a third child?" The lady says

The first thing that comes to my mind is Oh god why are we going to tell her? She is going to freak, the cameramen are going to freak the entire world will freak and so will Brit and I- mostly brittany, but we will freak.

"Uh I'm sorry, it's a pretty deep question but are you going to answer?" The lady says. Thad when I realise that Brit and I haven't talked for over 3 minutes.

"Um yeah sorry. we..... we....ah.... got lost in thought." I say breaking the Ice
"Is it true?" Helen repeats
"Yes. I mean yes it is true. I'm due in 9 months. We only found out last week." Brit says
"Oh wow. Congratulations!" the lady says.
"Thankyou." Brit and I say
"I knew there were rumours but I honestly don't expect it to be true. now is this a good or bad thin sine your character on the show is pregnant too?" she asks Riley
"Ammmm yeah. I guess it is a good thing. i mean I have never likes the pretend stomach that goes underneath your clothes; it's so uncomfortable and unnatural. I guess it's better too cause you can actually see the proper growth of the bump instead I just pretend." Brit says

"Yeah exactly. I heard that you are preparing for the scene where you two have to tell everyone you are expecting. do the cast actually know on real life or if they are watching- would that be the first time they found out?" she asks
"Ah yeah so we actually told the cast the day after we found out- thy are our family and we couldn't have kept this big of a secret from them. Riley and James and our personal families know as well. this was the first times we let the world know though." I say

Brittany POV
"Well thankyou both for coming here. it was an honour catching up with you both. I with you all the best with the baby, the movie and your cast drama and I look forward to seeing you soon. thankyou so much." the lady finishes.
"Thankyou.we had so much fun!" Trevor said while I smiled and nodded.

The director yelled cut as they went into commercial and Trevor and I were lead back stage where we were told we go back to filming. today we were shooting the sene where James and Riley told everyone they were expecting.

This is going to get interesting...........

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