I first met you in late September.......

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Trevor POV
As soon as I got home all I could hear was Riley throwing up and Brittany comforting her. I walk into the bedroom with James in my arms and go and see if their alright.
"Hey you guys. We're back. How are you feeling Riles??
"Really Daddy. What do you think? She replies
"She has been like this for the past 3 hours sweetie. She's definitely not ok and I don't think she will be able to go tomorrow. Maybe we should switch wet n wild and dream world around so she can get a bit more rest and so she can go to her favourite one? Brit says.
"That sounds like a good idea Britt. Do you want me to stay home with her though- it's only fair." I offer
"Yeah ok. I'll go with James, Victoria, Isaac and Maddie tomorrow. About them- I will quickly call them to tell them out plans. I will be back in a few." She says.

Brittany POV:
I jump up off the bed, take James from Trevor and go to the hotel phone. I dial 489 (Victoria and Isaacs room number) and start a conversation including my plans for tomorrow.
"Hello?" She picks up
"Yeah. Victoria it's me. Brittany. Hi. I think we should go to movie world instead of wet n wild tomorrow. " I say
"For Riley's sake. I mean she hasn't stopped vomiting all afternoon and I don't think it's good if she plays in water while going on rides when she's not feeling too well."
"Oh the poor bugger. Ok. Well yeah, no worries we'll just move wet n wild until Friday. No probs. Hope Riles gets better. Talk to you later Britt.
"Thanks so much. Bye"

Then I hang up. I go back into the bedroom and I hear Riley singing to herself.
"I first met you in late September. And I know I know I know I know.
It's a strange thing. To remember so I'll go I'll go I'll go I'll go.
That's the feeling. Deep in my bones. My tongue is tied and it always feels like I'm home.
My palm is sweating. My mouth is dry. It always happens for you and I don't know why. "

After a moment I realise that she's watching the episode "first Date" from the next step season 1 and the song that is playing in the background is of 'James and 'Rileys' first date together. I smile and eventually start crying as it is so memorable. Eventually Trevor realises and comes and a gives me a tight squeeze and a kiss.
"It's just so adorable that she is watching us like that" I whisper
"I know. I loved that day. It was the first time I realised that you were a good kisser, marriage material and that I really liked you." He said whispering back. That made me cry even more. Just to shut me up he kissed me and that when James started crying and I was in the middle of saying 'I better go and calm h......' When Trevor kissed me again and then when we broke apart he said 'Just don't even worry about it.'
That made me laugh so hard that Riley realised I was standing outside her door and made me come and watch the rest of the episode with her. I was having the best holiday although I don't think Riley was......

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