'Put another shrimp on the Barbie...'

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~ A/N special mention to @TrittanyFeels for her book called When I'm no longer here. Read Chapter 19, it's amazing!!!!! I couldn't stop crying. It's so good. Anyways I hope you like Chapter 12 of my story. They end up going to Australia so hope you like it.~

2 months later......
Isaac POV
"Come on vic we have to go otherwise we will miss our flight" I say to vic as she is rushing Down the stairs. I feel for her. She has been running around like crazy for the past hour and a half getting everyone packed and ready for Australia. We decided we would go there since most of our fans were there and we had never been before. We locked the door and hopped in the car before making an exciting journey to the airport with Maddison asleep the entire way.

Trevor POV
James was now 2 months old and he is about to make his first overseas trip. Boy is he a lucky kid. Although the plane ride isn't going to be lucky for me and Brit. About 2 years ago when Riley was 1 we took a trip to Spain for Brittany and I's 1 year wedding anniversary. However that plane ride was a nightmare. Ri was screaming the entire way and all the passengers just kept yelling at us to keep our kid quiet. But it was impossible. And now we have to do it again.. I wonder how it will turn out. I slam the car boot shut having a quick last glance at all our suitcases before jumping in the front seat to drive to the airport.

Brittany POV
So we are all on the plane now about to go to Australia and so far so good. I mean cross my fingers but James is still asleep and so is Riley. It's quite a long way to Australia so they decided to sleep and I knew I would too soon. At the moment Trevor and I were watching the next step on the tv sharing headphones when we hear this yawn. I look up at Trevor Andean knowing that the next 4 hours will be hell.

Victoria POV
So we are now in Australia and I have to say that the ride here was ok. I mean Maddie only cried once and that was because she was hungry and she had woken up, so we fed her again and then she went back to sleep leaving me and Isaac some alone time of peace and quiet. Brittany and Trevor's ride was however completely different. We were only 4 hours until we could reach our destination and we heard this yawn from James I think it was and then j heard Brittany moan before looking at Trevor with anger. Then for the next 3 hours James was screaming and crying and I thought Britt and Trevor were going to do that as well since they were so tired of it. But they got through it. They just fed James and Riley at the same time and let them watch a movie on the television and then they were ok by the time we landed. I'm so excited. I can't wait to see some of the fans and maybe even a kangaroo!!

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