A blast from the past

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Trevor pov
Britt hangs up the phone and breaks down on the wall in front of me. and james and Riley and Emma. I rush over to her and I can't get out of the tears what she is trying to explain to me.
"Britt. babe just tell me" I finally instruct her
She stops crying, wiping her tears and then looks me in the eye.
"Ashton" is all she says
"What? who's ashton?" I ask her
"Ashton McKay. The director of Degrassi." she says in a 'don't you know that tone.' (A/N: this name isnt real. i made it up) and suddenly it all makes sense.
"He purposely lit our house on fire so that we would be killed and wouldn't be part of the next step reunion movie. He did it for the freaking fans and his stupid ratings." Britt rages on. I'm gutted and what he's just told me. there is someone out to kill us. at the moment I feel like crying too but I can't because If I do then I won't be there for Britt and she needs someone right now.
"Hey hey hey. Britt. britt. Brittany. Baby look at me." I say reachig for her chin holding it up and then holding my hands In here's
"It's going to be ok. nothing or no one is going to get us. the children will be fine, they are fine. we're fine, the cast and crew is fine. they were out to get us but they missed. They're fault, they're consequence. We're moving into a mansion today babe and nothing is going to ruin today because its supposed to be a happy day. ok?" I ask her, looking into her eyes. she doesn't say anything just looks directly back and kisses me passionately
"Yep and they're at it again. Quick Emma look away" Riley whispers to Emma
"They must be behind the door listening" I whisper to Britt and she giggles
"Shh watch this" I say getting up near the door
"Boo!"I scream opening the door on the kids who are laughing while running away from me. I laugh and help Britt stand
"Come on. Let's go move out of this crappy apartment!!" I say enthusiastically and Britt giggles
"Oh Trevor one more thing" she says and I turn around
"Ashton got caught and so he has been arrested. his trial is on Sunday at 2:30, after our appointment, to find whether he is guilty or not. we are asked to attend" she announces and I smile
"Anything to get him away from us is worth seeing" I agree with her before kissing her again and going into James's room and packing his stuff away.

Victoria POV
"so miss maddie. how is your wedding planning coming along?" I aka my daughter as I breast feed Blake on our couch as we relax as a family on this Saturday afternoon. Isaac is on his phone searching through old photos
"Good mummy. I have the cake, people and dresses sorted out"
"Oh yeah? right sweetie. can I have a look at your ideas?"
"Sure." she says passing me the book. we already have the dresses worked out so all she has is a list of people she knows on the paper and a design of a huge 10 layered rainbow iced cake with unicorns and pink stars on the top.

I search the list and it has written;
Mummy, daddy, Britt, Trevor, Riles, Emma, James (with a love heart), Alex, zac, Emily, Jennie, Lamar, grandma, grandpa, (my mum and dad) nanny, poppy, (Isaacs mum and dad), Bella (girl from her ballet class) and Sparkles (our pet fish). I giggle to myself once again as its cute how she puts just us down and not people like her other relatives and cousins.

"Cute. The guests are perfect however I'm sure James will her some too. and the cake. by George gave you got it all sorted it. its all very.....pink" I say trying to sound positive. I stop feeding Blake and give him to Isaac to hold.
"Ok mummy. do you think I should add more layers on?"
"Ahmmm. I think 10 is good for now honey. it's probably ping to be really good cake too so it's for the best."
"Ok" she replies before skipping back off to Her room.

I decide to crawl up on the lounge scrolling through my pictures and then come across the most recents one of us girls at the mall yesterday when we went shopping for the bridesmaids dresses. Maddie is going to have Emily and Riley as her Bridemaids. she said that if the Older girls joined in, there would be too many so of course we for kicked out. we still bought dresses though.

I put the photo on IG and post the photo of all of us eating ice cream at the food court and I took the photo just as we all took the biggest spoonful of ice cream in our mouth. all of our faces are priceless because it was so cold. I post it on Instagram with a caption:
'When life gives you Lemons, you squeeze them and make icecream.
#GDA #ThisIcecreamIsColderThanYoudThink #JaddieWedding
@b_raymond @iAmAlBeaton @jenniepapps @familychannel'

Isaac leans over my shoulder and smiles at my caption before going into our kitchen to make a start on lunch. that's when the phone rung......

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