Bowling Prep

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Jennie pov

"What!!? Oh my god Jennie that's amazing. how did that, how did that happen?" She says
"Well It happened like 2 weeks ago but I didn't know an it wasn't until Lamar said to me yesterday that he wanted another kid and I wasn't sure. I took the test like 20 minutes ago and no one knows yet but you. I'm so scared brittany" I admit
"I'm sorry Jen but even though you lost your other one, it doesn't mean that you'll loose this one. you shouldn't be scared, you should be excited! not many women get this opportunity. so many are out there trying so hard to have a baby and yet you've now been blessed with one. tell Lamar it will make you feel alot better and then tell the cast and trust me everything will be fine. I promise"
"Thanks Britt I appreciate that. I have to go spill the beans but we'll definitely see you at bowling tomorrow"
"Ok Jen good luck. Congrats again. bye!"
I hang up the phone and breathe a deep sigh of relief. it's now 9pm and I am literally mentally noting myself to tell Lamar now. I have to. otherwise mentally I will never ever get the guts to tell him and he deserves to know. he's the baby's father.

I walk into the lounge room and out of my bedroom where i was talking to Brittany. I find Lamar on the couch watching some scary movie on tv.
"Hey Jen. wanna watch this with me?"
"Sure is it scary?" I ask him sitting down next to him, snuggling under a blanket
"Not really. well that's not what I think"
The movie keeps playing and it comes to about half way through and I pretty much have to rip the tv remote out of lamars hand and physically turn the tv off myself because it was too traumatising. oh my god just way too scary
"We going to bed?"
"May as well. oh and we are going bowling tomorrow with te rest of the cast" I tell him
"Oh cool. sounds like fun"
"Yeah it should be" I get under the covers and lay my head on his shoulder, facing upwards toward the ceiling
"Hey babe?"
"Yeah" I reply softly
"Why don't we have our 'looking forward to tonight' now?"
"Mmmmm I'm not too sure noes the time. we an always do it another time" I say nervously
"Why not now?"
"Jennieeeee........ what's going on babe are you cheating on me?"
"No I'm not cheating on you"
"Well what's up then?"
"I'm pregnant" i say and it's silent
He sits up making me push forward as we lean against the bed head
"I'm sorry"
"Yeah im pregnant again. I found out this morning" I said again
He turns the light on
"Jennie oh my god that's incredible!! I'm so so so happy. that's just so amazing" he says smiling. he leans in and so do I and we end up kissing quite roughly for about 10 minutes until we start to go further we further. looks like Lamar got his 'looking forward to tonight' after all.

Trevor pov
"Do you know what we should do?" I ask Britt at 7am the next day. we are up and dressed already just waiting at the kitchen table for the kids to wake up.
"Well since they're 20 people altogether including kids we should split up into 4 teams of 5."
"Good idea. you're maths has really come in handy. good thing you learnt it Trevor" she says sarcastically And I smile kissing her forehead
"Ooo I almost forgot to post that picture of you and James yesterday cooking that ravioli ill do it now" she says and I stand up, louring our plate and cups into the dishwasher. I come back and she shows me her post

"My boys claim they did not buy this pasta. do you think we believed them!? #TotsGuilty #Troublemakers #ThePastaTurnedOutBetterThanIThought @trevorflanny"

I chuckle at her sarcastic pots as she always posts them and then continue stacking the dishwasher
Riley comes in shortly after and I place a plate full of egg and bacon in from of her as she eats, I also give her a glass of orange juice. Emma starts waking up too and Britt rushes to her while I help Riley and James who has also just woken up eat their breakfast.

Soon it's time to go to the bowling alley. it's not far about 20 minutes away and once we arrive we see everyone is already. we out all our money together in a box, handing it to the lady altogether as we in return get out bowling shoes and ball. we had to rent out a private time slot as we didn't want masses of crowds coming up to us.
We found 4 speedster couches/alleys to bowl on and Brittany set to work on the teams.

They turned out to be:

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4:

I can't wait. this will be so exciting!! we made a deal that the loosing team has to do a final challenge as a team. They have to go out asking people all through the mall if they're gay. They have to ask as many people as possible and the looser has to do the ice bucket challenge without screaming or moaning.

This should be fun.

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