I will wait....I will wait....For you

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Brittany pov
The ambulances have just arrived and they check out Brittany who is still unconscious before piling her into the van. I go with her, shaking the whole way there.
"Put her into the emergency ward. NOW. We need to operate fast and as soon as possible. Go go go!!" I hear the nurses yell as Britt is pushed on a stretcher towards a room
"I'm sorry Trevor but you are going to have to wait outside for this part. We are going to X-ray and see what's wrong with her. Then an ultrasound. If further fixation is needed we will have to investigate and further operate." A doctor comes out and explains to me
"Ok thankyou doctor."
"Just take a seat there Trevor and I promise you that everything will be fine" he tells me as I sit down in one of the hospital chairs outside her room.

I can't help but think though what if it isn't going to be ok?

Victoria pov
We are all back at Trevor and Brittany's house for the reception. Everyone knows about the incident except for Maddie and James and according to Trevor- no one is allowed to say a single peep about it as its their day and we cannot spoil it for them. Both of them have come up multiple times and asked where they are but all we are allowed to say is that they have gone to get the wedding cake and will be back soon. Riley, Emily and obviously Emma and Blake have no idea either. Just the adults.

"Ok. Why don't we have speeches?" I offer while everyone finishes off their main course.
"Ahhh Vic. Usually the parents start so we'll go first as Britt and Trevor are still getting cake" Isaac points out
"Oh ok babe sure" I agree, standing out of my chair and up to the stage to start talking.

Lamar pov
"Just pointing out to you sweetie that when you get married again..... later on, don't be surprised if these words sound familiar" they start and everyone laughs
"Maddie is a delightful child. Always such a cheerful girl that has a smile on her face all day every day. Never, well usually never, complains. Never sulks but I would take that as a 65% and pretty much is always positive- 99.9% of the time. Mads it felt like yesterday--" they continue ok but my phone starts buzzing and after I check the caller ID and that it was Trevor, I quietly excuse myself and answer the phone.

"Hey man. Everything ok?" I ask
"Well we don't know. Just want to update you and say that she is having tests done and scans for the baby. I am just waiting now"
"Ok it's ok Trevor- you'll be fine bro. This has happened before remember and that was on your own wedding day. You'll get through this like you did 6 years ok. Just keep telling or asking yourself- what is the worst that can happen? It was just a fall after all"
"Thanks Lamar. Where did you learn that?"
"Nearly 10 years of living with Jennie. Where do you think?"
"Right bro I understand. Listen I have to go. Say hi to the kids for me- tell them that the cake takes along time to make and that I should (not) be home soon" I chuckle
"Ok sure. Bye"
"Bye" I hang up and breathe heavily.

Somehow- I don't know if our camping trip is going to go so well.

Trevor pov
The doctor comes out and sees me looking hopeful his face turns sympathetic.
"Oh god. What now doctor?! Please tell me she's not dead or the twins aren't dead. Or something really terribly bad has ha--"
"Relax Trevor. Everything is fine" the doctor says laughing and breathe a sigh of relief
"Yeah what Brittany had was just a fall and since is August and still summer, she only fell unconscious because of the heat. We have directed her back with fluid and she is wake now and back to normal."
"Oh my god. Do you know how much of a relief that it? We had to tell our son who got married today that we were traveling a long way to get his cake when actually we were here at the hospital stressing about his mum" I explain and the doctor looks like he's just seen a ghost
"I'm sorry- did you just say get married. How old is he?"
"Wow. Ok. That's ah...a very young age Trevor"
"Yeah. It wasn't really real though. They said the vowls and exchanged rings and kisses but technically they're aren't married."
"Ok then. Well anyways you can go and see you lovely wife now she's fine. Don't worry"
"Ok doctor thank you." I tell him before walking into the room

"Heyyyy" I greet her
"Hey baby. Are you ok?" She asks
"I was a little startled but I waited and we got through it and after a little inspiration from Lamar, you're all fine now and that's the main thing" I say bending over to give her a hug
"Exactly Trevor. Thank you for taking me here by the way. I don't even well I actually can't even remember what happened but like you said- at least I'm ok"
"That's right. There's one more thing though that's important." I tease her
"And what would that be"
"This" I say leaning in and kissing her passionately. It was a deep kiss and quite long but the most memorable so far.

She smiles as we pull away and then speaks up
"You know you've lost me nearly so many times Trevor. But i cannot even be close to imagining loosing you"

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