"Ill be there for you, like Ive been there before"

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A/N ~~ Thankyou guys for the heart filling, tear flooding messages you wrote on my last chapter. they were unreal and so supportive, I can't thank you enough. @jiley_TLA , you actually made me cry you were so sweet.
Thankyou an enjoy this chapter xoxo

Brittany POV
After a while of waiting, a girl doctor called Sara comes in and checks on riley. For about 5 minutes she looks concerned and then she walks out and another male doctor comes in, further making sure she's ok
"Alright." He says finally but is interrupted as Riley throws up again.
I sigh making sure she's ok before turning back to the doctor
"We are not quite sure of it yet, but considering the pain she's in and the amount of times she's thrown up, we are suspecting appendicitis. It's not confirmed yet but it will more likely have to be taken out meaning riley will be here over night and possibly the week." he says with us. I sigh heavily and look over at my poor baby.
"Ok" Is all I say. he leaves the room saying that he'll be back in an hour with a specialist who will further investigate what is going on. I turn to Riley again
"Hey" I say rubbing her forehead
"You ok baby girl?" I ask and she shakes her head
"Awww. Ok well we might be here a while, possibly a week so just stay put ok? they are going I fix it alright. don't you worry." I say, actually worrying

Trevor POV
I'm at home, just sitting at the island in the kitchen on my laptop just trying to look for a holiday to plan. We have been to Australia with the kids before but no where else and since Emma was born, it'll be good to go with her. this time it will be probably just our family, not the other cast members, also after the show has shot and it will be a surprise for everyone. I haven't looked into it much yet but I am looking at Fiji and it looks amazing even though its on the other side of the world!!

My phone rings and its Britt and I get immediately worried
"Hey" I pick it up quickly
"Hi babe? how are the kids?" she asks with a nervous tone
"All sound asleep. Riley?"
"She's got appendicitis. They have to remove it. It's not confirmed but it's most likely and in about half and hour a specialist will come in and confirm it. she could be here a week" she blurts in one go and I can tell she's walked out of the room as Riley wouldn't want to hear this conversation
"Oh god. Britt is she ok though?" I ask her
"Well she's thrown up about 10 times in the past hour/ hour and a half so I and really say. prob on the negative side though"
"Ok. I'm coming down. I can't deal with this. I need to be there. ill call mum to come and sleep the night and look after the kids and ill be down in about an hour. get the staff to set up an extra bed for us cause i'll sleep there too" I say fully
"Alright baby. see you in a bit"
"Ok love you"
"Love you too babe" she says before I hang up and dialling my mother

"Hello?!" she says groggily even though its only 9 at night
"Hi mum it's me trevor" I say a bit anxious
"Oh hey honey what's wrong?" she asks me
"Ok so Riley was asleep about two hours ago and she all of a sudden vomited everywhere. Britt took her to the hospital while I stayed here with the kids but she just rang saying that Riley has Appendicitis and that her appendix will need to be removed. I have to be there mum, for Riley so I was wondering if you could come and stay the night and just mind James and em and then we'll come and get them in the morning or you can come and visit her if you like too?" I say really nervous now. mm would be going to bed in like 2 hours. she only lives about 30 minutes away though luckily
"Oh my gosh of course Trevor. Dad will come with me too as I don't want him to be lonely. Ill see you in about 45 minutes ok Hun?" she says
"Ok mom thanks so much. bye"
"Bye" she says and I hang up going back to my booking of a holiday.

I look on google images of Fiji and find a place called "Plantation Island" as one of the favourites and popular images. I click ok it and did that its pretty much just a resort covered with beaches and pools everywhere, it's amazing. Shooing finishes in October so it will be perfect timing to go In say December since that's when summer starts as its the Southern Hemisphere. Right now its August so it will be a good thing to look forward to after the emotional goodbye from TNS. I book it for 10 day and 9 nights from December 9-19th which is just after my birthday and also book flights to Fiji and then close my laptop. Perfect! Britt will live this surprise. its just before Christmas too!

i slowly walk up to start packing the basics in an overnight bag for the hospital before hearing the doorbell ring and then rushing to answer it
"Hello" I say quietly
"Hey Trevor" mum says giving me a hug and dad gives me a hand shake before coming inside
"How riles?" mum asks
'Not too good. I'm about to go there now actually." I say
"Ok Trev. anything specific we need to know?" dad asks
"Ok so James and em actually wake up around 7, there is no set tomorrow, they usually have cornflakes or toast for breakfast, no tv until they are fully dressed and ready, Emma will need a feed at about 11 tonight and then another one tomorrow morning, the tv is all yours you know how to use it. The food is in the cupboard. the fridge has the cold stuff, the tv is controlled by voice and the bins are around the side." I finish with a loud breath
"Should I be writing this down?" mum asks and I chuckle
"Don't even worry about it. it's just our family rules. James knows how they work. ask him for some help if you need any or just ring me at any time. Try not to attend the media of at sort an dont tell ANY of the cast as they don't need to know yet" I say as I rush to the door
"Ok thanks trevor. good luck" mum rushes me
"Thanks so much. see you soon bye" I say before getting my bag and rushing towards my at and driving to the hospital.

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