Ho Ho Ho ❤ (Part 1)

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A/N: So I'm sorry for the scare but this book won't be stopping at this chapter! I'm fortunate to say that this book got over 10 votes every update which is unreal so thankyou so much. Also i have 150 followers which thanks to you guys is unreal . a chapter dedicated to all and every one of you is coming up next chapter so stay put for now and i promise it will be in Chapter 71. please enjoy chapter 70!!! AGGH this book has come so far....

Brittany POV
The next few weeks go past and it's now December 24th; Christmas Eve and Trevor and I are exhausted! we sit by the log fire inside watching tv snuggled up to each other under a blanket. it is so cold and it is good to have him by my side.

Riley knows about Christmas and is super excited. James is too but doesn't have even half of an idea of what will be going on tomorrow. Emma she is completely clueless!!

Tomorrow vic and Isaac, Jennie and Lamar and Alex and Zac are all coming around to celebrate Christmas at about 11:30 so we can give all the kids and adults to swap around and give presents. The cast have done Secret Santa too which will be extra exciting for the kids and us too.


We wake up the next morning to Riley jumping on Trevor and mines bed screaming to go and open we presents. we promise her to go and get James out of his crib and we will go downstairs to set up the video camera recorder and put on the Christmas music while she and James stay upstairs and we take Emma with us.

Trevor and I walk down the stairs, Emma balanced on my hip still in our pyjamas, and we turn jingle bells on and turn the camera recorder on the tripod stand on and tell for Riley to come downstairs and lead James down with her. she squeals and we soon enough hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I love seeing her face when she comes down that's why we film it all

After they have unwrapped very single present from Riley's dollhouse to James's new bike to everything a child could possibly dream of receiving, we get them changed into their Christmas Day outfits and try having our pancakes for breakfast.

"Riley! hurry up sweetie everyone will be here soon and I still have to put ribbons on your pigtails" I scream to her as she is brushing her hair in her room. god knows what she will be like when she's 13!!
"Ok mum ill be down in a minute" she call back

Sure enough James comes walking out with Trevor holding onto his hand In a red buttoned shirt with green baby jeans which I must say look absolutely adorable on him. I made trevor wear the same but in a bigger size and they look so cite but hilarious together at the same time!!

I put red and green ribbons in Riley's hair as she comes out in a red dress and she looks so cute. Emma has a white sparkly mini dress with baby flats with her hair in like a fountain spout with hair hanging out the sides which looks adorable. the cast however are coming in about half and hour and I am still not ready

"Babe! you need to go as get ready. they will be here soon" trevor says giving me a kiss on the lips and taking Emma from me
"Ok ok. ill be down in 20" I say hurrying up the stairs

Trevor and I decided not to give gifts this year well not in the morning anyway but when they had all gone and later tonight. we wanted to let the kids have their morning not us. I think the cast were doing the Same and besides we were getting secret Santa gifts anyway.

Today was only vic and Isaac, jennie and Lamar and Alex and Zac. as well as maddie and Emily. I quickly get changed into his beautiful red flowy long back dress that cuts out the legs. it looks gorgeous! then I curl my hair and put on heavy make up and nude coloured heels. wow I look better than usual!!

I walk down the stairs to see my family standing looking at my arrival.
"Wow mommy. no wonder you and daddy are married. you guys look so cute and lovey dovey especially when you kiss and how could daddy not love you when you look like that? " she says. I just laugh so hard and make my way over to Trevor

He takes my hand, kisses my lips and compliments me
"You look amazing! And Riley's right- how can I not love you when you look like smoking hot. seriously any guy would hit on you if I wasn't there. you look just breathtaking." he says which makes me cry

"Hormones trevor. hormones. they are still flowing. but seriously that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said apart from what you said when you proposed and on our wedding day. but babe that means everything to me" I say kissing him back

"I understand. merry christmas Britt" Trevor whispers in my ear pulling me into a hug
"Merry christmas Trevor" I reply

The kids ewwww and say oh mum that's discussing but to be honest i don't really care. It Christmas and on Christmas- miracles like this happen 💚❤.

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