And 1 more makes 3

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Isaac POV
So I was in the waiting room with vics head on my shoulder silently sobbing while I had my arm around her waist as we waited for Trevor to come out of the room.

Finally he did

"Hey guys"
"Hey man. Britt ok?" I ask as vic sits up properly and we listen to trevor
"Yeah. she just woke up about 5 minutes ago. oh she saved my life she did. She ah wanted to speak to you Victoria. I told her you were very worried." he said but before e could even finish the word Victoria; she was gone

Trevor came and sat next to me and we chatted for a bit waiting for the girls to finish talking
"You ok man?" I ask him
"Yeah. I'm fine. just a big shock an I'm glad Victoria was there to help save her life. if she wasn't there then Britt probably would've had some worser medical issue damage done." trevor said
"Yeah that's my girl" I reply
"Yeah. in fact you guys have always been there when we needed it when it comes to family life. specially when the girls went into labour t the baby store together. oh that was hilarious for us but probably not for them. that was such a good day though. " He said. I chuckled

"Yeah I remember those times like they were yesterday. Hey Trevor?" I ask facing him
"Well you know how me and Victoria have been trying for a baby for like......forever" I say
"Well it still isn't working. and since you guys are on baby #3 now I sort of Thought I could come to you for some you know tips." I ask shyly
"Haha well bro there are alot of things you need to know but because we are outside a hospital room with people around us I would probably prefer NOT to talk about it" he tells me
"Oh yeah you're probably right. but hey you guys were like intimate from the very beginning right?" I ask
"Ha! yeah bro of course we're trittany how could we not be! I swear the wedding night was like the best time of my life" he tells me
"Yeah. but just dot scar me for life. I dont wanna know what you guys get up too." I say
He just nods and smile as we wait in silence for the girls

But our silence was taken by an excruciating scream of pain, shattered glass sound and my wife sprinting into the waiting room calling out my best friends name

"What happened?" Trevor asked her
"" she tries to get out
"What?" trevor asks confused
"Your wife!! she's having a" she screams
"What?! oh my god! seriously right now? gees vic what did you girls do in there?" he asks
"Nothing and there's no time to explain just go!!" she tells him an he sprints back off into Brittany's room before we hear another scream which sounded like Trevor's actually and then silence

"Are you ok?" I ask Victoria
She starts crying again and hen snuggles up to my chest.
"Are the kids here?" she asks
"No. they're at Trevor's mum and dads place. I didn't want them to see......all this" I tell her while giving her a short but passionate kiss

"Oh ok" she says whole nodding her head. minutes later I see she's asleep on my shoulder. I kiss her head before taking out my phone and taking a selfie.

I post it on instagram and twitter moments later with a caption
'Isaacs recommendations 1: Whenever you're patiently waiting for something, it's always good to take out your phone and take a selfie with the bae
@b_raymond @trevorflanny @vicbalde'

And then I hit post and turn my phone off and eventually fall asleep myself

************1 hour later***********
I wake up to trevor In what looks like a hospital gown wearing gloves with a hat over his head.
I just laugh and take another photo. capture this moment forever. lol

"What's up? New baby yet?" I ask
He scowls at me but then soon lightens up
"Yeah we had another girl if you want to come see. you might want to wake up sleeping beauty too" he says referring to vic still on my shoulder
"Will do. vic wake up. baby time" I say and she giggles slowly waking up

We walk into the room seeing brittany sitting on the bed with the baby girl in her lap. Victoria immediately starts crying again. what is up with her lately?
"Oh my gosh. you guys. she is just so adorable" I say as we walk closer to britt
"It's she? Oh I just love her to pieces" Britt says smiling still
"Hey? what about me?" trevor asks, jealous
"Yeah and you" she adds
He smiles
"What's her name?" Victoria asks
Britt looks at Trevor and smiles and trevor nods his head back
"Emma. Emma Grace Tordjman" she announces

"Oh! That's perfect! I love that name!" vic says as she gets to hold Emma
"I know me too. we were wondering if jennie and Lamar would want to be the godparents since Alex and Zac were Jame's and you guys were Riley's. do you reckon that would be a good idea or are we pushing it too far?" Britt asks
"No. I think they would love that" I say as vic hand me Emma
"Yeah they would make great godparents. I'm so glad that that you guys were maddies though. I think Alex and Zac will be perfect for the one coming though cause they're really our second closest and I feel thy cause we are godparents to Emily that it would only be fair. what do you guys think?" she announces silently

"What did you just say?" Trevor asks. I just stand there still holding this baby I have almost dropped from what Victoria has just told us
"I said that I think Zac and Alex would make great godparents to our baby" she repeats
"What baby?" I ask as I give Britt Emma back
"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you since I fell asleep.....

And what she tells me I nearly faint when I hear it.......

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