Prepare for Huge

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Same as last time people, it's all set in Alexandra's POV though. hope you like it xx

Alexandra POV
Me along with the rest of the cast walk down to the set of hildagos ready to shoot another scene of this event.
"Ok so are we all here?"frank asks as he stands in front of us all. we all nod in agreement
"Ok so Brit and trev have gone home for their break for lunch while we shoot this next scene. practically, you are all talking about Riley's pregnancy as what your lives could possibly be like after the birth and how much Riley and James are going to care for it. pretty much you guys are gossiping about something that isn't even alive yet behind Riley and James's back. The girls will also start preparing for the baby shower also. sound good?" he asks us
"Yep" we say

Scene shooting:
"So what do you guys think of the jiley baby?" Thalia asks
"It's so good! I'm really excited. I think cause we have never had a member of atroupe go this far in their relationship before and it's so unusual but unbelievably good." Michelle says
"Yeah I am so happy for them. I wonder what the gender will be?" Thalia's asks
"Girl" Emily says
"Boy" says west
"Yeah it's definitely a girl. James says Riley's morning sickness is really bad and I remember mum telling me that whenever you have a girl you have really bad morning sickness (A/N- I am totally making this up 😂😂)" Emily explains
"True but James also says that Riley is always craving salad sandwiches and I remember MY mum saying that when we was pregnant with me that she craved watermelon so I think it's a boy." west says. they all look at him like his crazy

"West. When you're pregnant, you usually always crave something- no matter what sex the baby is!" Chloe explains
"Oh well that explains why James mum never craved anything before she had James and James turned out to be a boy" west says. they all laugh at him hysterically about his comment
"Ok well we definitely need a baby shower for Riley and you boys need to help" Michelle asks. the boys groan
"No it's not that boring you know. we promise that if you do it, it won't be boring. please please please?" Chloe asks with puppy eyes
"Fine!" they all agree

"Ok so here's the plan. While we are all at home setting up and getting prepared, you boys- along with James who we will tell our idea to later, and you are going to go out and go baby shopping with Riley and James and distract Riley for as much and as long as possible. When us girls are ready back at home- we will send you a text and you come back home with riley. then when you walk in we will yell surprise and the party will begin" Michelle explains. Everyone nods and starts getting excited

"That's a great idea Michelle. but when?" eldon asks
"Saturday. we will get things set up at their house because it is a mansion after all. We will ask James first though" she explains
"Ok" he nods and smiles at her

Thalia POV
I think Micheldon are going really well. I want them to be engaged. seeing eldon happy with the one he loves melts my heart. even though I don't like him in that way anymore, it's great to see that he is happy with Michelle.

End of POV

"Ok so sound like a plan?" Michelle asks
"Yeah" everyone screams
"Ok. juice is on me. lets do this thing!" she adds

Emily POV
This is going to be epic!

"And cut. that's a wrap for today. well done you guys! see you all tomorrow bright and early. we will get to the scene hopefully tomorrow when Riley goes into labour but the day after will definitely be the both so it will be an intense couple of days for Trittany so do make sure you give them lots of love. I know Brit was stressing alot. anyway guys great job. catch you tomorrow. Thankyou" frank tells as we all say Thankyou in return and make our own ways home saying goodbye to the next step crew.

I go over to Zac and kiss him passionately. I look over to Vic and Isaac who are making out in the corner. I hate how they play girlfriend and boyfriend in the movie. it's ridiculous- they clearly should be married.
We go and pick up Emily at the play area and as soon as we scoop her into our arms she starts blabbering about her day. she is so adorable. I love her so much!

We open the door to our house ad I plonk down on the couch clearly exhausted. I turn on the news and it is raided with headlines of our new movie. wow it must be popular already!?!
I accept the Earl Grey Twinings Tea from Zac and I put my feet up as I continue listening to all of the great reviews the movie is getting

I text Britt
'You watching Channel 8?' I ask
'Yeah. it's brilliant x'
'I know! I'm so proud of us. you will do an amazing job as a mum on the show. it will showcase your talent on the outside x'
'Thankyou! you're so sweet. you are just like a sister to me on the outside! love you x' she replies
'Haha right back at ya sis lol. I've got to go. see you tomorrow- you'll be fine xox' I reply before opening Instagram and posting a picture and captioning it:

'It's only on the typical day on set where you get to work with these guys. #TheNextStepMovie #blessed #jileykisses #PDAworriesme !! @b_raymond @trevorflanny @vicbalde @isaaclupien @jenniepapps @zacvran @LamarJohnson @JordAnClark18 @itstaveets @frankvankeeken '

I hit post and smile at the photo I placed on there. it was of all of the cast and frank sneaking up behind Trevor and Brittany when they were kissing in public on set in our break time this morning. we did it on purpose but it was really funny.

I love my family. everyone one of them and to be honest it feels as if these people have been part of my life longer than my actual family I grew up. But that's what acting does. you meet all these amazing and talented people and you don't even realize the dramatic effect they have on your life. The Next Step has revolutionized me so much it is hard to explain. I just couldn't be more happier and more fortunate to have found such an amazing team.

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