Million Dollar Question

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Victoria pov
We have just come back from my mum and dads place. we were invited over for morning tea to catch up with them. they have always loved seeing the kids too so it was great for them to have that opportunity.

My parents live about 30 minutes from our 3 storey house. It was actually the house I grew up in and don't my entire childhood. my family weren't really the richest of people, nor the poorest which was good for me; socially and economically. growing up I had a lot of support on my back. My parents and especially my brother were all very fond of my career; always there first thing at my Dane recitals, making sure they prepped me well enough before big dance shows an with the next step they could not be more than my biggest fans- always and will always be proud of me.

When I was 8, my grandmother passed away and even though I was 8 I still remember my last moments with her. Apart from my mum (who was her daughter), I was the last one in the hospital with her by her side. as told me that I am successful in doing what I love and they whatever it turns out to be, if it stays or changes, I will always have talent in me and its my choice if I want to reveal it to the world. it's all up to me. they were her last words to me and I remember them so well; even now so many years later.

Today we are going to go and visit Britt, Trev and their fam at their brand new house/ mansion. It's being all over the news lately. Tabloids, tv and on the Internet. The media is going insane over them. hey moved in at 11 approximately which was an hour ago and apparently we were told we could come at 1. At the moment I am on twitter and Instagram posting a few tweets such as:

'Family fills me. As does food. I am so lucky for every one of them and could not be more grateful. love you guys xoxo @isaaclupien #FamilyGoals #LoveMyKids #LifeIsFilledWithLove Xo'


'When life gives you lemons, you take them and throw them as hard as you can at the person who just made your life difficult #DramaAtTNS #YouDontWannaKnow #TooAngryToSpeak.'

That last one was referring to Brittany and Trevor's house killer. they called us about 45 minutes ago as we were on our way home, explaining everything. poor Britt. I feel for her so bad she's going through so much and through it all shes pregnant with 3 other kids. luckily Trevor is there- he's a lifesaver!


We arrive at Britt and Trevor's and its gorgeous- so amazingly beautiful. I can't believe they have bought this house and are living in it. they are so lucky. the kids especially Riley must be nearly dying right now the poor girl. we walk up I the door as ring the bell.

"Hey!! wow this house is amazing" I say as they smile at us, letting us in and giving us hugs
"How are you going Trev? Move ok?" I ask him going him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
"Good good. move couldn't be better"
"Thats excellent considering your week. can we have a tour?" Isaac Asks them, balancing Blake on his hip. Maddie has already ran off, chasing after James to sort out wedding stuff.
"Sure" Trevor says as we start walking towards the kitchen which is stunning may I add.

Brittany pov
Once we finish touring the house got Isaac and Victoria, we sit down on the lounge and talk for a little bit.
"So how's Riley now?" Isaac asks
"She's good. much better now actually; has really strong bones and her stomach is healing. such a brave girl though" Trevor replies
"Yeah she's actually going really well" I add
"Been complaining much?" vic asks
"No not really"
"You know you guys have been all over the news and tv. this fire starter guy Ashton has been creating rumours and attention all over the media. how Do you cope with it all?" vic asks
"Well we used to and still are celebrities. we all are so for me I am just used to the camera and media attention." I reply
"True. we only have 3 weeks left of filming. that's so sad. when's the premiere do you know?" vic asks
"No not sure. after this baby's due though and definitely after Alex's" I reply to her smiling and she takes a deep breath
"I wonder how successful it will be..." Trevor says drifting off
"Yeah I know. reckon they'll like it as much as the show?" Isaac comments
"Well I don't know what I'd like better; they are both amazing storylines." Vic tells us all.

We keep on chatting as a group before none other then James and Maddie come in to us with those two guilty looking faces.
"Mummy?" James asks me an everyone laughs
"What's so funny?" I turn to the others
"Funny how they come to you, not us. they must think you're the easiest target to get what you want" Trevor says chuckling
"Well I am" speaking self defensively
"Ok. sure" he teases
"Alright James. what's the matter? what do you need baby?" I ask him

"Can we go on a honeymoon after the wedding?"

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