Shooting Drama

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Brittany POV
After I arrive with the family and James's mum and dad, they leave after saying hello to Riley and its just us 5. Then Riley starts falling asleep and Emma needs her afternoon nap so we all start to was home leaving Riley at the hospital with all of the nurses. it's really hard to do but it's all we can do.

It's now 3:00 and we are all at home. I'm presuming Riley is still asleep. Emma should wake up in about an hour and James is playing with his cars and trucks in his room. me and Trevor are snuggling up on the couch watching Dance Moms which is my favorite show and Trevor just sucks it up and watches it with me. he's so good and has been amazing lately, always helping me.

"Trevor." he turns to look at me
"You have been amazing lately and I have been thinking that you need a reward" I say and he smirks moving closer to me
"And what would that reward be?" he asks seductively.
"You know.... your favorite" I say now smirking also while Trevor just kisses me
"Now now!!" I say laughing
"Tonight?" he asks

*****Later that night then the next Morning
Still britts POV

Sure enough it came to 8:00 that night, after we had take a visit to the hospital with James and Emma at around 6 to check in Riley, that Trevor had requested for his reward and sure enough that next morning we woke up naked next to each other still grinning sheepishly from our night before.
"Hey beautiful" he says kissing me again
"Hi. Nice night?"
"Perfect. wonderful reward"
"The kids didnt catch us either" I add
"They probably heard. I'm glad they are still young and get caught up in their deep sleep. " He says and I laugh standing up and going to take a shower
"Can I join you?" I hear a voice yell
"They might be young but we definitely aren't. what happened last night stays in our bed, not in our shower" I say and he laughs making me smile as I hop into the nice hot water

"Bye riles. see you this arvo" we say at 7:00 in the morning as we make our way to set with the kids
We drop them off at the baby area and then start filming
"Hey Trittany. how's Riley?" Logan asks
"How did you know?" I ask
"Trevor." she replies and I looks at Trevor
"What!?" he asks
"When did you tell them?"
"Oh. I did it on Instagram. just a pic of Riley that's all" he says and I take out my phone, clicking Instagram and seeing the picture
"I tagged you. how could you not see it?"
"I haven't even opened any social media in the past couple of days. too busy" I admit
"Right. ok let's go get ready" he says taking my hand as we walk to hair and makeup and the change rooms.

"Ok let's shoot the birthing scene now. Britt. no stress it's not even real. it's actually fake. you have pants on in the end don't worry" frank says and I weakly smile looking at Trevor who mouths 'You'll be fine.'
"Ok and Action" he tells

Riley's POV
Ok I have no idea what is going on. I am in labour. like on the edge of having our baby. it could come any minute and Trevor is still not here. where is he?


"Hi Riley how are you doing?" the nurse comes into Riley's room
"Good."she replies
"Do you have a partner. anyone to share this with?"
"A husband actually. he went on a guys weekend and I don't know where he is. my sister is finding that out though" Riley's says as the nurse checks on Riley
"Well he better hurry up because you are at 7cm"
"7? ok Thankyou"
The nurse walks out of the room and Riley is there worrying still

Riley's POV
Where is he!!??


Chloe's POV
We are right now just chilling in the waiting room. waiting for Emily to get back. I am worried about Riley right now so I decide to go and see if She's ok. she is the first one of the next step to have a baby so I feel for her


"Hey riles" Chloe says as she walks into the room
"Hey Chlo. Any news on Emily yet?"
"As far as I know they're about 30 minutes away"
"Well they Better hurry upppppppp" Riley says as another contraction comes
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah yeah. just a contraction that's all. oh my god you don't know how much I want James to be here" she says angrily
"I know babe but just push through it. you'll pull through; with it without James I know. I believe in you"
"Thanks Chloe. can you text Em and tell her that I'm 7cm and to hurry up!!" she says
"Sure." she says taking her phone out
"She replied. he said that she's about 10 minutes away"
"Oh few. thank god. thanks Chloe" Riley said to Chloe as she stood up
"No problem girly. good luck" she says as she walks out of the room

Riley's POV
Come on James!!!


"Ok and cut!! Great job everybody. lets shoot the talking heads and then that will be a wrap for today" franks yells as we get out of position and head for the cast lounge. my talking head scenes aren't until 3 so I've got around 3 hours. I decide to go to the hospital just by myself while Trevor who has talking head scenes finishes his shooting. when I come back to start shooting my scenes, trev will be finished so he will go to the hospital with the kids before heading home and meeting me after I have finished mine.

I cant wait to see Riley. The poor thing probably just wants to do something. or at least eat.

The Next Step: 6 Years Onजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें