Telling the Cast (Part 2)

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Isaac pov
We are all on set at the moment just waiting around. today our filming starts later so trev and Britt asked us to come here a little earlier as they needed to tell us something. no one know what it is but we are all so envious- knowing trittany and their drama over the past months, it could be anything.

They finally walk into the room with Riley and James and of course Emma. Riley runs in to see Emily who is very excited to see Riley- it's adorable how they react around each other. James jumps up and down when he realises Maddie is here. I am not too sure about what's going on between those two but its gorgeous and nothing can stop them from "getting married." as James says and I quote it directly from him 'With me and Maddie, it's love at first sight Isaac.' I just laugh and look at Trevor who looks like he is going to blow up with laughter it's soooo funny.

When they are settled and we have chatted for a while as a cast, Britt stands up.
"We have something to say" she says smirking and looking at Trevor
"What's going on?" Victoria asks and I put my hand on hers and she smiles.
"Ok so we---" Britt starts but is cut off
"Mommy no!" Riley shouts
"I'm sorry ri what are you talking about?" Britt asks her confused
"I want to tell them" she says in a high pitched so cute voice. I laugh and so does everyone else. Brittany looks defeated and just smiles an sits down next to Trevor
"What is it Riley?" Alex asks Riley and she grins mischievously before running off somewhere. she comes back moments later with her hands behind her back and still smiling.
"What's that sweetie" Trevor asks her
"It's something I made while I was sick. I drew it myself" she announces proudly
"Ok well lets see it hun" Britt says as Riley smiles and giggles at herself before passing the sheet to Victoria. I glance over her shoulder and realise what the drawing is about.

Riley has drawn Brittany, Trevor, James, Emma and herself on a piece of paper and a baby next to Brittany. on the top of the paper is had written: "2025."
"Number 4? You guys!!! That's so good for you" vic says smiling before running over to them and going them hug. I follow closely behind before the rest of the cast follow as they read the drawing and realise what is happening.
"We were just going to say it to you but Riley thought a different way. thanks baby" Britt says hugging Riley as Riley smiles and then sits back down
"So when's it due?" I ask
"After the movies done- about 6 months before the premiere. I am 2 months along; 8 weeks" Britt says to everyone
"Well congrats girly. we are very happy for you. I think we should go shopping after shooting to celebrate AND get Maddies bridesmaid dresses for her big day next week. hey? very exciting Mad's isn't it?" vic says and I smile
"I think it's a record for a father at 28 to be walking their 4 year old daughter down the aisle!! we better get those Guinness World Record Judges to come in!!" I joke and everyone laughs.

Brittany pov
Once we have finished shooting we all get into our cars and we go to the mall. the boys from the cast as well as James and Blake stayed back, practising and teaching each other new flips and dance moves. shopping is way better.

I take out my phone on the way there we are car pooling with Victoria and Maddie and I open Instagram, posting the photo I took of the kids this Morning at the breakfast table with a caption:

'Life is good in our house. Our mornings are full of jam-packed cuteness @trevorflanny

#lovethemtobits #theywillalwaysbemine #beautyofbeingatordjman'

I post it quickly just as we arrive at the mall and I take Emma out of her at seat and into her pram. Riley walks with Maddie, holding her hand as they walk and Victoria is standing next to me as we Make our way to the entrance of the mall
"Hi!!" Riley says as we see everyone else by the food court
"Hey. so I say we go to 'Beauty of a Bride' first. I used it on my wedding and the dresses were gorgeous" Alex says and we smile, making our way over to the shop.

As we finish our 4 hour supping spree, we end up with everything we need for the wedding- girl clothing wide of course. the boys are another story. Victoria takes us home and we see trev and James in the lounge room, popcorn in their hands watching Toy Story 11- one of James' favourites. poor Trevor
"Hey guys. we're back" I say, placing the keys on the bench and my phone and wallet as well as my bag on the couch
"Hi girls." Trevor says, still focusing on the movie
"Pretty caught up there trev?"
"I've never seen this one before and James was right- Number 11 is so much better than Number 12. I haven't seen this in so long" he says and I chuckle putting Emma on the kitchen high chair any crashing down next to Trevor, smuggling up to him
"Yeah probably since 1999" I mutter, giggling softly
"Haha. too funny britt."

It's silent for a moment before he speaks up again

"But it was actually 1998"

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