Good friends are best friends

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Shout out to @tnscrazy for winning the competition. You will see why she won in this chapter. Thank You for all your comments. Enjoy xo

Alex POV

So we are all just waiting at Brit and Trevor's house. we somewhat got a spare key inside so we sort of surprised them a little. we decided we would call back Riley and james so then they can spend some time with brit and Trev because we knew they was missing them especially brit and Trevor said that she was reconsidering doing the movie and we didn't want her to pull out. We decided to do it during our lunch break as we knew thy would come back home after they figured we were were gone from set

To be honest we didn't know when they were coming back. we were absolutely oblivious. we made a plan. Lamar and Jennie went to go and get the kids quickly while the rest of us took guard. luckily just as they were coming down their path leading to the door, everyone was ready so we all hid except for Riley and james.

Trevor POV

We arrived back at the house and we walked into the door. I closed the door and locked it while brit walked into the house.

"Oh my god!" She says

"What happ-" I was cut off by the sight of two very familiar figures.

"Mummy. daddy!" Riley said

"Oh! Sweetie we missed you." brit said in tears again.

"Wait how did you get here? Where's grandma?" I said. clueless.

"Well we got some help." Riley said. then I saw the cast one by one emerge from behind the couch or kitchen bench where they had been hiding. now I get it.

"From these guys" Riley finished.

"Aww thankyou. we knew you had done something. we were wondering where you guys went since you weren't at any restaurants." brit said with Riley in her arms.

"Brit honey you probably shouldn't be lifting her." I said

"Oh yeah. I forgot." she said handing Riley to me with james in Isaacs arms.

"We ammm. have one more surprise for you guys: we arranged with frank for Riley, james, Maddie and Alex to stay at a special private room where we are filming to let them have some special quality time with their parents." Alex said. Brit was speechless- she was already crying. she just literally ran over to Alex and hugged her she was so happy. I could see it in her eyes.

"Thankyou guys. we really appreciate it. I'm sure you're happy too." I say on behalf of brit and i.

"Yeah we're so happy. We haven't told maddy yet but I'm sure she will be too." vic said

"right then Brit are you ok?" I ask

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm the most happiest girl alive." she says

"Awww. I'm sure you are."

"Hey! I think we are too." vic and Alex say in sync

"Ha ha. yeah we all are." Jennie says

"i think we should get going now." Jordan says. we all agree and start heading back in seperate cars. since james and Riley are already with us they will stay with us for the day in their special area and the others (maddy and em) will come tomorrow. it is really exciting and will be really good for brit and the other mums.

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