This is family

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Brittany POV
"So how's Trittany going Britt?. We want all the goss!" Vic says as we sit around the fire, drink in hand.
"Amazingly amazing" I say chuckling and they all smile and ooooing me constantly and for some reason it makes me blush.
"How is the baby?" Briar asks taking a sip of her wine
I roll my eyes "haha. It's one of those things I guess. I am so so happy I'm having another one- my 4th but then again these pregnancies they're all different and they're all bad in some way. Like right now I'm having really bad back pains but I never had them with Em. I don't know I guess it gets worse as I go--" I pause as I feel my phone buzz
"What?" Jordan asks worried about me
"Oh no no. Just a text. Look at this"
I point my phone towards the girls as they see the picture Trevor posted of Riley fishing. Adorable. He tagged me so it came straight to my phone. Riley looks so cute- kissing that fish. Such a daddy's girl.
"She's gorgeous. So so so cute. Riley is such a beautiful girl. Talking about that stuff- Britt is that person inside of you a girl or a boy?" Sam asks and I chuckle
"We're actually not sure. Only surprise kid gender we've had. Trevor was adamant that wanted a surprise so I soon gave in and decided that I would be surprised too. James has been begging for a boy. In fact he has literally been praying every night for a boy he is so desperate!" I say and they all laugh
"Typical James"
"So like he's father. Ooo the baby's kicking. Vic feel this" I say grabbing her hand and placing it on my stomach. She smiles as the baby kicks it around my inside. Victoria's smile soon grows as she then starts giggling
"What? What's so funny?" I ask her
"I love when babies kick around. It's hilarious. It's like they are trying to escape the world they already live in" she explains and I start laughing
"Yeah it is kind of funny" I say and she smiles removing her hand off of my stomach. I sigh, hearing the waves crash into shore as well as the fire crack. This is so relaxing. Just me and my girls. Open air. Nothing but drinks and a cheese platter. Kid free and nothing but---

"MUMMY!!!" I hear Riley yell from the entrance

What did I do?? Jinx much!! They literally just left. Has it seriously been that long?

"Hey baby girl!! How are you? I saw you caught a fish" I exclaim as she climbs on top of my lap, Trevor coming over too giving me a kiss on the lips.
I guess it was good they were back......

Lamar POV
"I'll just get the sticks. The paper should be in my car Trev" I say tossing him the keys
"We'll meet you girls there with the kids. We have wood and paper and the food to bring over so we'll be a while. We'll just drive." I tell Brittany and she smiles giving Trevor one last kiss before going back to the kids
"Come on guys!! Beach fire party time!!" She announces and they all squeal running off down to the beach
"Not too fast. We don't want 911 today kids. Slow down" she says and I chuckles as her voice gets distant and more distant until suddenly they are disappearing
"Got the paper?" I ask Trevor
"Yeah. Food?"
"Yep. In the esky"
"Cool. I'll just grab the beers and then we'll head off" he says and I nod heading into the front drivers seat, waiting for Trevor.

"Sparklers guys? Two left. Everyone got one?" Victoria asks as Jennie snuggles up to me on our shared log on the fire as we watch all the kids with their sparklers all bursting with sparks.
"Look Mummy!! I can write my name!!" Riley says to Brittany who puts away the fact that it's pitch black and takes a photo with the flash on of her spelling an R. I chuckle giving Jennie a long kiss before placing my hand on her small and less developed bump kissing her forehead and pulling her into a side hug.
"I love you" I say to her
"I love you so much more" she says and i smirk pulling her Into another kiss making her smiles once more.
"Ok. Marshmallows. Where's Maddie and James?" Trevor call out as Emily and Riley come racing over with one of the sticks we made them find earlier while it was lighter and they could see.
"Oh my god" Britt says and we turn to see James and Maddie holding hands looking and sitting just by the water and out onto the sunset
"Someone get a picture! Quick they're hugging. Aww they're adorable" Jennie says as she giggles. I smile at her laugh. It's so funny.

Once the marshmallows are gulped, the sparklers are lit and the fire is spitting medium flames and we are all just chilled by the fire relaxing, it's so good just to sit as a cast; hearing the waves crash onto the shore, the fire roasting in the moonlight glow. There's nothing better. I guess this is what family feels like and at the moment these guys are my family. You don't have to be blood related to be family. Just only by friendship.

This is my family though. I spent my teenage years with these guys. They have moulded me into West, into a to- Be- father and to a wonderful husband. And for them. I couldn't be more grateful.

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