Daddy! I caught a Fish!!

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** ^^ above I thought just to make it easier to visualise who you are reading about- I would give you a general idea of each of the child characters in TNS: 6 Years On. They are only the ones listed that actually have multiple speaking lines. Enjoy xx

Victoria POV
I turn around to see Maddie and James clutching onto each other's skin holding onto each other for dear life and screaming as what looks like a big lizard comes creeping towards them. I can't help but laugh as I see Britt in front of me with her hand over her mouth and her other hand on her phone filming the entire thing. It was adorable.

"Daddy!!!" James squeals and Trevor rushed over to the two of them, picks them up turning them both upside down while they are still squealing and moves them away from the lizard.
"Come on you two? Are you coming with us?" He asks them, who as he puts them around the right way, squeals with excitement before running off to get into their fishing clothes.
Isaac made Maddie and soon all of the tns's cast kid's bring fishing gear. It was kind of stupid but really funny at the same time. But try explaining this to an 8 and a half month pregnant Brittany who needed persuasion from Trevor to be able to agree with the idea. Apparently fishing gear on 6 year olds aren't and I quote this from Britt herself 'sufficient enough for youngsters'. I just laugh every time I hear it. It's the funniest thing ever. The men take off with the children moments later and I smile to myself, knowing we have a girls afternoon.

"Red or white Jordan?" I ask her from the kitchen
"White please Vic" she calls out and I hid my head preparing her wine.
I come back to every girl: Brittany, Jennie, Jordan, Samantha, Logan, Briar and Taveeta. Alex was still in hospital but should be getting recharged or as we know it, early, as she has special recovery and is sleeping like all the time so she should be hear on the 4th day at the earliest. 2 more days to wait.
"So girlies. How's life. Briar I want to hear all about Myles" I ask her. Me and briar are so close and even though she's a couple years younger than most of us, she's still part of the next step and because she's younger doesn't mean she's not a child so who else would she be considered as?
"He's amazing!!"
"How many years now?" Brittany asks digging in to the cheese platter we created by the fire. She also sips her mineral water just causally listening to the story.
"We've been dating 4 years. We started when we were 23 but we have been like super close for so many years"
"Does he want a ring? You guys want to get married? I mean you are 27!!" Taveeta clarifies
"I do and I'm sure he does. We've talked about it but he says he wants to surprise me with it. It will come out of the blue." She says and I smile
"That definitely sounds like Myles. He is very sweet" I Point out
"I love him so so much. I really hope it's soon"
"Yeah then we'll be expecting bryles children. They will be to die for briar. Imagine you as a mother. I remember when you were 16 and on the show. Time flies babe" I say giving her a hug before taking a piece of cheese from the platter.
"I know I know. I's with him you know. I trust him more than anything and I just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him." She says and I smile
"Awwww" is girls cue her and she grins shyly tilting her head. Bryles is so cute. I really hope they get married or not even, I hope hey get engaged soon because for briar and Myles it will be just the most gorgeous thing ever. They are meant to be. No one else is perfect for them. Just each other.

Trevor POV
"Wow!! Good catch riles!" I say as she reels in a big fish. Very surprising but very impressive for a 7 year old fishing for a first time
"Guys come and have a look at this!!" Zac yells at the others who are scattered along the beach. Everyone comes and looks around Riley as she hold the fish up and smiles for Zac and me who takes a photo.
"Can you send that to me? I'll send it to Britt and post it" he says ass he takes his phone and send it
"All done!"
"Thanks mate. Now Riley unless you want this fish to taste disgusting you need to kiss it."
"But it's all slimy daddy. It's ewwww look at it's eyes" she says making me giggle
"Quickly sweetie and then we can take it home to mommy so then we can have it for dinner
"Yeah. These big fish you can eat. Just not the little fish. They have to go back into the sea so then they can meet other fish when they're older and have more fish" I explain taking the fish off after she kisses it
"Like you and mummy did?" She asks and I laugh smiling at her and sighing
"Yes sweetie. Except we don't die"
"That would be terrible" she compliments and I smile at her shaking my head.
"Mmmm it would be riles"
"I love you daddy" she says giving me a hug as I give her back her rod that is already reeled out. I give her back her rod and give her a hug as I smile going back to my phone
"Kids afternoon fishing. Didn't really expect my 7 year old daughter to catch this monster though! @b_raymond #Natural #FatherDaughterBonding"

And then I post it.

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