Big News!!!

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Brittany POV
So it's now 8:00 and everyone is here and we are about to announce everything.
"Ok. Hi everyone. Hello. Can I have your attention please. Thankyou. Ok now you are probably wondering why you are invite tonight obviously you thought that there is something going on. Well there is."
" ammmm we are pleased to say that we are engaged." Trevor says
And as soon as he says it everyone jumps out of their seats an comes around and there are kisses and hugs that are shared all around. Then I have to share my bit.
" Ahmmmm. We are also having a baby as we found out this morning. " I smile and he whole room erupts with cheers and they all get out of their seats and the hugs an kisses start again. I m so glad that they are happy.

Alexandra POV
So I have just hear that their is gong to be an official Trinatty and that there will be a mini Trinatty. Isn't that exciting!!!!! Well anyway after the boys go off for some drinks the girls stay around the campfire drinking wine (except Brit) and roasting marshmallows and as soon as we sit down we just start talking about random stuff.
After the talk we all head back to the kitchen and we all start to say goodbye. Zac and I head back home and I come in the door to greet my beautiful Emily.

Brittany POV
Ok so once everyone has left trevor and I are just sitting on the couch watching Americas next top model and it comes to an add and so I turn to trevor and ask him:
" Trevor, I am so scared. I dont know what to do?"
I start crying but he just sits there and assures me:
" brittany brittany. Shhh calm down. Don't worry about it. All women go through this. Everyone gets scared but I can assure you once and for all that you will be absolutely fine. Ill be there for you, Victoria, Alexandra, jennie they will all be there for you. Just don't even worry about it."
Gees that catch phrase, don't even worry about it; it is always means nothing but it is always so calming so I just kissed Trevor on the lips about 5 times and say thankyou to him more than enough times.

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