Unexpected Twist

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TNS_Micheldon_4_Life above is what the touring producer posted on Insta
16 hours ago from today. Hope it helps xxx

Victoria POV
"We are gathered here today as we come together to celebrate the wedding occasion of Master James Tordjman and Miss Madison Lupien. Before we begin the ceremony, are their any participants who object this action?" The priest starts and everyone looks around the room
"No? Ok then. Marriage is a very important time in your life. It requires a lot of trust, partnership and cooperation. These are the main skills that help you though--" he is interrupted by James who taps him on the shoulder. Everyone chuckles
"Yes james?" He laughs
"What's cooperation?" He whispers and everyone bursts out laughing. I look at Trevor and Brittany, who is next to me in the bridal corp, and i see that they too are laughing.
"Cooperation young man is when you work together as a team and pull through instead of just thinking about yourself- you compromise" he explains and James nods his head
"Ok." He whispers "thankyou" everyone giggles and the priest continues

"James, do you take Madison to be your wedded wife until death shall part?"
"I do" then he turns to Maddie
"Maddie? Do you take James to be your wedded husband until death shall part?" He asks her making it very simple
"I do" she whispers. Them the priest clicks which is what I told him to do. It is the signal for; take your phones and cameras out and take as many photos of you can of these two kissing.
"Yes?" He says looking up at him
"You may now kiss the bride" he says and James smiles lifting up Maddies petite little vail and kisses her on the cheek. They are adorable. I wonder how long this will last until they get divorced. Ha ha that day will be pretty funny.

Brittany POV
As they kiss I smile and look over at Trevor who is smiling at me too. Probably because we are both remembering what we did when we were in that position. He winks at me which makes me smile even harder. He chuckles before turning his phone to James and Maddie who have just walked back down the aisle while everyone is clapping away.

When it's Trevor and I's turn to walk down though, I struggle getting down the steps and eventually slip and fall straight onto my left arm and wrist.
"TREVOR!!" I scream in pain
He comes racing over and before I know it everyone is crowded around me checking if I was ok. I clearly wasn't and before you know it, it's pitch black and in my mind- I can't see a thing.

Trevor POV
I panic as I hear my name being screeched from a familiar figure on the floor just near me and I look over to see Brittany collapsed on the floor eyes fluttering every once in a while
"Britt" I say crouching down so that she can hear me. Everyone starts crowding around her, including her own family and this is when i start getting worried
"Jen. Call an ambulance" she nods her head before going and calling them straight away
"Babe. Wake up!! Brittany- are you ok?"

No answer

"Trevor bro, everything ok?" Lamar asks and I turn to him
"She's not responding. Make sure the ambulances are coming like now and help get everyone out of here" i instruct Lamar and he nods
"Alright you heard him. Brittany will be fine but as long as you give her some space." He yells ushering everyone out
"The reception is at Trevor and Brittany's house, everyone along with the bride and groom, head their immediately and we will update you as soon as we get more information" Issa adds.
"Thanks man" I say chucking him the house keys.
"I'll keep you updated. See you soon" I tell them and they nod following everyone out
"Trev- ambos close by. Should be here soon" Jen says coming back into the room
"Thanks Jennie. Can you......actually not you're pregnant.....can you get Zac to help me get Britt to stand and sit down. She might need some water" I ask her and she smiles and runs off to get Zac
She comes back with him
"Hey man."
"Hi. Can you help lift Britt just over to one of the front row seats just to get her moving and awake maybe"
"Sure thing" he says as we manage to lift Brittany's body and get her to floppily sit down.
"How em?" I ask him
"Still sick but she's here with Alex so it's ok"
"That's good. Thanks man I'll see you back at my house once this stuff is cleared" I tell him and then he says goodbye as him and Jennie walk out of the church.

Now it's only just me and Britt in this room and all I am trying to do is to get her to respond to me. And right now I am as nervous as hell. What if she doesn't wake up?! What if she's unconscious for so long she can't breathe? What if she dies? But most importantly and even though this ones additional, they might be the most important......

What if her baby- our baby is dead? What if just one small slip off a step caused the life of an unborn person. Or should I say our 2 unborn children.

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