Swing and a miss

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Alexandra POV
We are all at Brittany and Trevor's now, just chilling as a cast. Zac has finished the ice bucket challenge and right now I am with the girls chatting in the living room while the guys are by the BBQ cooking the lunch.
"So champagne girls? Who's having some? I can't have ANY which is so damn annoying but I am more than happy to put anyone a glass" I offer still sitting down
"However someone needs to help me stand. I'm in a very comfortable position right now and I don't want to move. I need.....i need some inspiration" I say to them
"Ok Alex think that the fact that Channing Tatum is in the kitchen at the moment. He's just come back from he gym and is all sweaty. Shirtless of course." jennie teases and I zone out into space.

"Did it just say Channing Tatum is I'm my kitchen shirtless?" I squeal and jennie chuckles
"Yep. that's it. who's in for bubbles?" I say finally standing up

Jordan, Briar, Logan, Taveeta and Sam all agree while jennie and Britt pass so does Victoria surprisingly
"Vic and jennie you aren't pregnant again?" I say suspicious
"Breastfeeding still al. Apparently I can't drink until Blake is a year old"
"I'm helping you Alex. I actually don't trust you with my alcohol" she says giggling. jennie never answered my question. wonder what's up with her?? Britt comes and stands beside me as he opens the bottle while I get the 5 glasses. then Trevor comes in
"Brittany Lynn Raymond- don't you ever and I mean ever even place just the tiniest bit of your lips to that wine" he warns and I giggle
"It's for the others babe" I say and then he nods waking back out
We return with the glasses and go back to taking until it was time for lunch
"Girls! James. Blake!!! time for lunch" Brittany call out while the adults all make their way to the big decorated outside table

"I have an announcement" jennie says standing up after we have just say down altogether.
"You know it's actually weird that for once trittany don't have an announcement" I say and everyone laughs
"Ok so what's the surprise jennie?" Brittany asks impatiently
She pauses breathing deeply before spilling
"I'm pregnant" she says nervously
"What!!!?Oh my god Jen that's such good news" vic says quite loud actually
"Thanks" she says as she sits down smiling while the congrats continue
We keep eating our sausages /steaks/ hamburgers/ ribs and chatting while we're at it. we were about half way through when i stand up
"Ahhhh I have an announcement too"
"Don't worry I'm already pregnant" I laugh and everyone smiles looking at my stomach
"I actually on the day of the bowling got a call from the casting director of that tv show audition I went too. the one in London. Turns out that I got the part. Turns out that as of the start of next year, we will be moving to London." I announce straight faced looking at Zac and Emily.
"We?" Isaac says
"I mean Zac, Emily, me and the new baby" I say and he nods his head.

Then there is complete silence and all of a sudden I feel tears rushing down my cheeks and I can't deal with it anymore
"Alex" Britt says
"Alex. Come back" jennie says but I just keep walking and I soon find myself in Riley's bedroom- alone. I've been in here once before but when it was Riley's 3rd birthday and the cast all stayed into the night a little bit and Riley had to go to sleep. I put her to sleep as I was the only one who knew how to since I had Emily and Brittany and Trevor were out getting some food or something. it was so long ago that I can't even remember anymore
"ALEX!!!" Brittany comes rushing in and I smile at her enthusiasm
"Alex what's up?"
"It's just. I really wanted this britt and not one person congratulated me on it. you all just stood there quiet and then all the tears came and I just couldn't take it any longer you guys were just unsupportive friends and -----"
"And you want to know the reason?" Britt cuts me off. I slyly nod my head as Brittany breathes heavily
"Alex. Do you remember how hard it was for us when Jennie and Lamar announced they were moving to Australia?" she starts and I smile still crying and nodding my head at the same time
"Do you remember how hard it was to say goodbye to such good friends of ours?"
"Well that's the reason Alex- we are going to miss you so so much if you go to London. That would be two families over the globe and away from us. and I know it's a huge opportunity and all but Alex we are family and you and Zac, from the minute you got together, years ago, have always been by our side. Helping us with babies, our weddings, injuries, traumas, the show, acting lessons everything! From the moment me and Trevor got engaged until now which was 6 years ago, you have been there every step of the way as look how much fun we've had! and for you to leave and go to LONDON is wonderful! But it's just going to be hard for a few of us to accept because with in a world without Alex, you may as well not live" she concludes and there are more tears streaming down my face. I pull her into one last hug before she gives me a sympathetic smile and leaves

What have I done???

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