Special Day

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Again this girl @swaggerjagger125 is totally my #1 fan and she was and always have been by my side through this book. thanks so much girly. every morning my notifications are popped up with things similar to the one above so Thankyou so so much. I want going to update again tonight but you have proved too much and this is just a way of saying Thankyou.

Trevor POV
I wake up upon the arms of my gorgeous wife as the click strucks 7am on a Sunday morning. In secretly celebrating to myself as Riley nor James is up yet which is good cause me and Britt might've taken it further than we expected last night and here we are laying our bare skin next to each other but last night was so good. just fun to spend a night with my girl.....even while the kids were home.....and asleep in the next room.

I stumble out of bed and put some clothes on before going into James's room where he is playing on his iPad. I give him a good morning kiss and a cuddle, leaving him with the digital device and going to see Riley. surprise surprise she's still asleep. just like Brittany. Haha hope she isn't pregnant too. I peek into Emma's room after quietly escaping Riley's and Emma is wide awake and sitting down close to two millimeters from the her cots edge, obviously wanting to get out. Emma is nearly one which is super exciting and we are having a party with the cast and family to celebrate. of course she has no idea what's going on but she'll find out eventually. Since Victoria was 8 months pregnant when she had Blake, and Brittany found out he was pregnant on that day and 4 months have passed since then, it's why Emma is Nearly 1 because Victoria found out she was pregnant when Emma was born. its kindve a chain I guess.

I start making breakfast with Emma during in her high chair next to me drinking her milk. I take a quick pic of her as she looks adorable in the morning before turning back to my banana pancakes mixture. ever since I've lived with Britt I have learned how to make the bet banana pancakes.......apparently.
Today is a very important day. at 10:00 we have our ultrasound booked where we will find out the gender of the baby. Then at 2:30 we have the trial for Ashton McKay to see if he's actually guilty or not. we are meeting Frank, Chloe and Ella (our babysitter) (A/N: lol @jiley_is_life another name!!) at the front of the court house at 2. I know Brittany is nervous and so an I but we just need to get through this day. we only have 2 weeks left of filming too which is sad but good because next is all the premieres, press, interviews and promos we have to do which is exciting so technically we aren't over yet.

Next week is Emma's birthday so we are celebrating on the Saturday at ours with a BBQ and then the following Saturday night is the Wrap party for TNS where we are having a party at the studio and then coming back to our place for Afters where there will be a cake and lots of dancing.
Britt wakes up in the next hour or so and so does Riley, eventually making James come out of his room. I served banana pancakes to them all just as they sat down, the pancakes still nice and warm
"Morning sleepy heads"
"Hey dad" ri says sitting down at the table
"Morning babe. I enjoyed last night, we will have to do it again some time hey?" she whispers seductively into my ear
"Definitely" I smirk
"Banana pancakes is on our menu this morning. someone's favorite I know but it's a special day today and it guys need it" I say smiling at Britt
"Mum. dad is very nice to you. you are very lucky" Riley says making me smile
"Wow did you here that Brittany? ri said that it were lucky to have me. now isn't that cute??!" I say smirking. she glares at me then readjusts
'Yeah of course babe. without you t life would be incomplete" she says kissing me
"Yeah it would. now come on its 9:00 we need to get to the hospital now!" I say as the kids get ready and Britt clears up the dishes
"They coming or are we dropping them all at Alex's?"
"Well as much as I'd like Alex and Zac to have the load of 4 kids on them for the morning, I think they, especially Riley, want to see the baby so let them come. I'm sure they'd find the hospital entertaining"
"Well ok but as long as they don't come the final time. I really don't think they would want to see that"
"Yeah that time Alex can have 4" I tell her and she smiles

Brittany POV
We are waiting in the waiting room at the moment and the kids are behaving really good. Riley kept asking me all these questions like
'Mommy how are babies made?' And 'How does it go from your tummy to a human?' And 'why isn't it in daddy's tummy?' Those questions were just some I the many questions I got asked by my 7 year old daughter. Trevor stayed laughing and everyone else was smiling or laughing as well. it was pretty funny I have to admit
We are called 10 minutes later and I am told to roll my shirt up and sit on the long vertical table. I remember the first time when I was pregnant with Riley I was so scared it wasn't funny
"Mummy." Riley asks and I sigh sitting up to face her quickly while the nurse is getting prepared. this question is going to be the most embarrassing I know
"Yes sweetie?"
"How do you get a baby in your tummy?" she asks and Trevor has to walk out of the room he is laughing so much. I hang my head in embarrassment while also trying to hold back my laughter. the nurse goes and takes down the poster temporarily for Riley as it seems she is getting the questions of the screaming posters in the room.

Trevor comes back in just as the baby starts to show on the monitor and he gathers the kids round to he other side of the bed as try watch in awe what is growing inside me.
"Ok. so what do we have here. wow. Riley what can you see?" the nurse asks her and she smiles
"A peanut. mummy what have you been eating?"
"What?? a peanut?" the nurse says and I giggle. so does Trevor.
"No sweetie that's the baby- that's how small it is and over the next 28 weeks it will grow and grow and grow Into a tiny little baby inside your mums tummy. Then it will come---"
"No no no no no. not that much just yet. we are still working on how the sky is blue so we might have that conversation with her little later on in life" I interrupt her and she smiles nodding her head
"Ok probably better knowing Riley. Now would you like to know the sex of the baby?" She asks and I turn to a smiling Trevor and kids as I nod.
"Ok then. looks like you are having a ......boy congratulations!!" she says and I smile. another boy. that's so great that means that James will have a younger brother instead of three other sisters.
"Yay!! another brother" James sys jumping up and down.
"Wow I love James so much I'm glad we get another one of him" Riley says and I giggle. she is so adorable
"Thankyou so much nurse we will see you--" I start but am cut off
"Oh no you're not finished. there's one more thing" she says and I can't help but wonder...

Oh god. what is it? is this boy even alive!!??

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