So close to the end......

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9 months later............
Victoria POV
So Isaac and I were at the mall shopping for baby clothes when I feel this cramp in my stomach. At first I thought it was a contraction so we move into the elevator and try and make our way home just in case. Then after a while it goes away again and then it comes back. I straight away know that it is a contraction but as I am going up in the elevator it stops. I stop. Isaac stops. We are stuck...... Traumatised and now in labour I struggle with the pain that is going through me. I m screaming and crying at the same time and Isaac is literally 2cm away from me not at all thinking of leaving my side. Luckily Isaac had his phone with him an quickly dialled 000 to the ambulance an then the mall centre number to try and get us out and sent text messages out to the entire cast telling him about our dilemma. and then awaited all of the texts and help phone calls. It was all happening so quickly.

By the 4th hour of labour I had gotten out of the elevator and was now in the hospital with Isaac by my side screaming through all of the contractions. I swear I nearly broke Isaacs hand I was squeezing it so tightly. Finally it was time to deliver and I was all sweaty, panting with exhaustion and extremely tired. I just wanted it to stop. We left the room we were in an then we made our way to the delivery room. Isaac stayed with me as I delivered nearly knocking him out- twice. At last we had our baby in front of us; we were both crying madly and then as soon as we stopped we kissed and then as soon as we broke apart we heard this "Brittany Raymond" type of scream .........

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