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Isaac pov
So here we are again in this freaking hospital. This time not in the maternity ward but in the ICU. The worst has happened and to be honest I don't even want to explain in detail it's just way too much for me too handle right now.

Brittany pov
After I got off the phone with Trevor, I slouch down back in the chair outside the ward alongside Emily, Riley, Emma and Alex. Victoria and Maddie drive in a separate car because there weren't enough seats and vic wanted to speak to Maddie before the wedding. Before we left, Maddie had been dressed up; white flowing dress, small heeled shoes, makeup and hair and nails done nicely. To be honest, I don't know what the doctor thought when she saw her, us too.

The accident happened about 30 minutes ago, hence our absence to the wedding. We drove straight past the scene an after realising the car that crashed, we immediately swerved back around. Vic and Maddie were straight away take I hospital and we drove behind the ambulance with them. that's how it's led us here.

"Mummy what going on?" Emily asks Alex. the girls were on the floor colouring while me and Alex were chatting together waiting for updates. Isaac was sitting close by, by himself with his head in his hands.
"Umm well Aunty Victorias car smashed Into someone else's car ad hit them very badly. they got taken here and right now they are in very special care. they may not live it they may stay alive" Alex try's to explain to Emily
"We'll be here a while babe so just stay put ok baby?"
"Sure mummy" she replies and I smile, clutching my stomach
"How's #4 going Britt?"
" good. I am noticeable now so I think the world will still catch on. try have been eyeing me like a hawk lately. eyeing my diet, exercise ad family life" I explain to her
"I know right. I have been in every single tabloid for my pregnancy too except they are like 100% certain that I am, with you they are more like 56"
"Well yeah but you're like a month are of me"
"Brittany, Alex and Isaac?" The doctor says, coming out of his room. I smile standing up with Alex
"So we have some updates on the two of them."
"We'll start with maddie. She has fractured ribs, broken arm and twisted wrists as well as minor brain damage. She was remotely concussed for about 10 minutes, before gaining consciousness and right now she would prob be a 7.5/10. Victoria has broken ribs, broken right leg, fractured hamstring, brain damage and heart failure. she has fallen in a coma and as far as now she hasn't woken up" the doctor concludes as I wipe away a tear from my cheek, Alex mirroring me. We all look absolutely mortified. But there is completely and utterly no possible words to describe how Isaac looks and probably feels inside

Trevor pov
"Ok. wow. right everyone. listen up please" I say through the microphone and then there is silence
"There had been umm... an incident." I started. Isaac already left to go an visit them so it's up to me I tell every one; half of them I don't even know
"On the way to the church, Victoria and Maddie were in a different car to the others. Hence being late to he wedding, they ended up through a car crash on the main road after swivelling into another car. the two have been admitted to hospital and as far as I know Maddie has a lot of major injuries as does Victoria who is currently in a coma" I say, dropping the bombshell on everyone including vics family. I can't even speak I'm so upset. its silent and no one has said a word
"Ok um. I suggest that you all go home for now. this wedding will have I be postponed. I promise every single one of you that I will keep you updated." I say as everyone starts to move out of the church. what a wedding haha

Isaac pov
"Isaac." the doctor comes out to me only. The girls stand up but he stops them
"Only one person in" he says as he leads me toward vics room. he shuts the door behind him and leaves, leaving me with Victoria.
She is hooked up to do many chords, there are bruises and scratches all over her face, there are tubes everywhere an beeping machines everywhere.
"Oh my god" is all I can say as I sit down on the chair next to her
"Victoria. how did this happen baby?"
It's silent and am right now I just want to bury myself in sand dunes and just stay there forever.
"Vic. this can be happening. babe you have to wake up. I love you too much and if you leave, there won't be our family, our full and completed family and there won't be our movie, our full and completed movie. but most of all, they won't be us Vic. the full and completed us.

Victoria. Listen to me. I can't do this. you can't do this. we all ant do this journey; our life- without you. everyone needs you here, with us on earth. so just please please please wake up" I tell her confidently, nearly in tears

I bend to her ear and whisper
"You need to stay. The world would literally change without you here. I love you Vic, stay strong"

Honestly now, I thought that this was just some small thing but now it's here and it's real and I've just realised that she could die tomorrow and this could be my last day with her

But she needs to stay.

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