Grooms worst nightmare

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Trevor pov
Today is my boy's big day. Yes he isn't even 5 yet and he is getting married and yes we agreed to a sleepover for both of them as their honeymoon but thy are just two really good friends who (I don't know of its real) have fallen in love. I was thinking last night that really it was the same situation with Britt and I except 1) we were 20 not 5 and since we were also 2) dating at the time which was all from 3) being cast as James and Riley on the show. however James and Maddie have none of those qualities. but its cute in the end.

Today the girls are at The Lupien's place and the guys are at our place. we are getting ready in the traditional way. We had a boys night last night; Me, James, Isaac, Zac, Blake, Lamar and I. Family Friendly of course. we had pizza for dinner and then watched a movie which was Toy Story 4 and even though we have watched it so many times and even though I get blamed for underage viewing by Britt; it is just so good. James, the poor boy, started crying at the end, ending up with a hug from me and isaac. I wonder how he will go today- if he is nervous or is just shaking off what he thinks is real.

For the ceremony, we had Frank be the priest. It was only fair as any real priest could only marry people 15 and over plus apparently Frank had some sort of martial certificate; meaning that he could marry almost anyone of any age. he got it online and said he was happy to help out.
According to Maddie and James, who spent hours upon hours not only learning how to write their names but actually figure out who they were and finally came up with a guest list. people ranged from me, britts, Isaac and Victoria's parents who were they're grandparents, all of our siblings which were their uncle and aunties and of course their little friends and all of the cast and crew. it was going to be a huge wedding but Maddie and James (more Maddie) want it perfect.

After finally getting James ready and us 4 groomsmen (Blake was too little) , we finally got into the limo and drive to the church. as we were one of the first there as well as frank and some paparazzi, we just say outsider the church waiting.
"Hello. Trevor isn't it?" A reporter comes up to me as I scoop James up and run inside towards the back area. the others follow. We can hear them through the doors and all they can do is get caught up in our lives.
"Trevor, tell us about James"
"Is he nervous?"
"Isaac how do you feel about this?"
"Why would you marry at the age of 5?"
At that point I had enough
"Hey guys!" I say to all of them and they stop flashing and stop taking immediately
"Yeah. all of you. just shut up. how did you even get in anyways? you shouldn't even be here so just leave us alone for now and go and chase up someone else. I heard Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are back together. go and get that goss but right now this is out stuff, not yours and you need to know that today we need out privacy" I announce to them and they look shocked, exiting as soon as possible
"Thanks dad" James said
"No probs buddy. now let's get you inside" I say patting his shoulder and walking to the end of aisle from the back of the church.
"What do I do?" James whispers as everyone starts to take their seats
"Well you wait for everyone as they come down the aisle and then Maddie will come and you say I do an you kiss. that's pretty much it" I explain and he nods
"Did you and mummy do this?"
"Yeah. it was the best day of my life"
"It was?"
"Yeah ask mummy. I'm sure she'll agree" he looks at me astounded before running off to go find Britt. I have to literally run to catch up to him, through the church, to stop him.
"James. you have to ask her after the wedding. not now" I tell him
"Why not?"
"Because you have a wedding to do buddy"
"Ok dad. wish me luck"
"Break a leg James"
"Dad! why would you say that? and how could I even break a leg anyways? that's impossible"
"James it's an expression. it's not literal" I say laughing and he smiles at me before swirling around.

I walk around the church, greeting everyone and as many people as I could before they came into the church. I knew everyone there as I knew Isaacs family so well and Victoria's I met at their wedding. its all about to start and the Frank is at the front talking to James. the girls aren't here yet which makes me worried. its until my phone rings and I understand why they are. I answer the call from Britt and my heart for some reason stops beating and I don't really know why
"Hi Britt" I reply from the other end
"Trevor..." is all I hear
"Britt what's going on?" I ask really nervously
"There's been a car accident. not with me though- with Victoria and Maddie"

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