Dream world and dreams.....

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Brittany POV:
After taking a few rides with Maddie and Michelle at dream world, we go and start having lunch at the cafeteria near by. While we are eating I decide to call trevor to see how he is going.
"Hey hon. How are you going?"I ask
"Oh hey Brit. Yeah we're all good here. Riley hasn't thrown up all day do we're hoping that that's it and there is nothing left. We have actually just been talking lately and having some quality father daughter time." He said
"Right. Well it sound like you re enjoying yourselves. Trevor what do you mean by we have been having some quality father daughter time and talking. I hope you didn't say anything too private!"
"Oh know Britt. Definitely not. I was just telling Ri about how we got together and met on the show and how we got married and that the first time I realised i liked you was when we did our first jiley kiss on camera." he says.
" Awww. that's so sweet. I actually never knew that. you know when we get back i will have a special surprise that i know you'll love." I say.
"Really now what might this special surprise involve?" he asks
"Well you will have to wait and see but I think you will have an absolute ball and so will I. Trevor babe I love you and I wish I could talk to you but I have to go on another ride with Maddie so I will talk to you later. Ok. Tell riles I said hello and I hope she is getting better."
"Ok bye babe. Love you too x" then we hung up. I had the best husband in the world.

Trevor POV
I woke up all chilled and relaxed and before I knew it- I had realised that I had fallen asleep. I had a text from Brit saying that she was on her way back and that was 5 minutes ago. I found riley in the bedroom still watching tv.
"Hey riles. sorry I must've dozed off. Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine daddy. I'm watching the episode where James and Riley get back together after James does the list for Riley and the flag mob for Michelle and Riley I love it so far. It's such a good part. Awwww. they kissed. oh daddy that's so sweet. you must've loved that moment."she said

I glanced my head To the screen and flashed my mind back to when we were filming that episode. I lived that day and a half. Britt and I were still dating and were on the verge of breaking up- I don't know why and that episode really calmed us both down and put us in place a bit more. I've always wondered if the writers put that in the script on purpose- because they knew we were having troubles and they loved trittany so much they wanted us to so badly be together. That's why sometimes I thank them and always blaming how our marriage and children came into the world on them as they were the ones that fixed our relationship puzzle.

By the time I had finished my flashback Isaac, brittany, Maddie, Victoria and James all walked though the door with big smiles on their faces. I told them quietly to move into their room as Riley would get jealous and upset really easily and I didn't want that to spoil the wonderful day we were having.

I lead them outside and we all gathered in Victoria and Isaacs room and just sat around and talked the for a while- discussing their wonderful day, before Brit ,james and I walked back out and into the hotel room. As soon as we realised Riley and James were both asleep as it was late (for them) Britt and I had a shower and got ready for bed too an we were both exhausted and I was looking forward to the surprise she had in store for me. I wonder what it could be........

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