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(Hey guys. It's so great to finally have 40K! THANKYOU! as I said before I have dreamt of this day and this amount for as long as I had the idea for this book so I really appreciate it guys. At the moment in my life there are a lot of things that are setting me back and are really personally upsetting me so it's great to know and come home to this. thanks everyone xxx)

Brittany POV
Right now I am sitting in the middle of the courtroom, 5 hours after the bake off and this bloody thing is still freaking going. like I've seen these things on TV and I know they took a long time but seriously; we've been her since 2:00 and it's nearly 7 like I wanna go home already!! the kids are at out place with Alex, Zac and Emily just waiting for us to come home and I can feel my phone buzz every hour or so probably from Alex asking where I am. Every break interval we have though I text her that I'm still here sitting it out still.

Because this case was all over the news, every camera was flashing, every reporter was questioning and every minute of this day was ticking away and now I was getting paranoid. it was now 7:30 and my yawning periods were getting longer and longer and Trevor kept looking at me like I was some roaring lion who was angry or something.

In this court room I thought that it was way too serious but to be honest it's probably always like this. I mean being in this room for 5 hours, you see every little detail. like the guys haircut and how all the hairs are cut to complete perfection, how the suits are worn with complexion and how their brief cases and files are always so neat and tidy. unlike Trevor and I who have just come out of a 3 hour bake off with our children like seriously you can see why I'm getting bored. they said at the last interval that if this wasn't finished by 8, they would close and then start tomorrow again. which wasn't fine or frank, Chloe, Trevor and I as we had filming tomorrow as it was monday. the court hall struck 7:50 and I knew we were done with because this case was nowhere near closed.

Until I was awoken from my thoughts and heard this loud noise where everyone was filing away their papers and talking surrounded the hall.
"What happened?" I whisper to Trevor
"Im glad you were awake babe" he replies sarcastically. i glare at him and he sighs.
"We won and Ashton is sentenced for 25 years for attempted murder. He was found guilty" I nod and smile, taking my phone out to call Alex to say we were on our way home.
"Hey Britt. you on our way?"
"Yeah see you soon"
We get into the car and drive the rest of the way back.
"So 3 months now britt? I honestly can't wait I'm so excited" Trevor says and I smile
"So am I. I'm happy that they're twins and I'm sure that the kids will be too"
"Well who wouldn't be. but when are we going to tell the world? I know you hate rumors" Trevor asks
"Like I mean no one but us know that we're having twins so when will we tell them that also?"
"Maybe tomorrow we can do it on Instagram insets of verbally telling everyone. maybe we can after filming, go down to the beach and take a picture of us standing there maybe with Riley's hand on my stomach? we can get a professional photographer in. maybe we could post the picture she drew of us in 2025 as well cause that was cute and the fans would go ballistic if they found out what that really meant, well victoria definitely did and she's pretty smart. the others took a while though!!"
"That's a great idea. we'll post both on both accounts. we should do it at sunset and we can all wear white. ill book the photographer when we get home" Trevor says as we pull up into the driveway
"Ok babe. Oh it's so good To be in finally home" I say turning the key to open the door to our house
"Hey" I whisper to Zac and Alex who are cutely wrapped up together on our couch, zacs arm around Alex's stomach. it was adorable so I take a photo"
"Hi!! how was court?" Zac asks and I smile sitting down opposite them with Trevor
"Yeah It was good. 25 years and guilty" I say simply
"Wow lucky you. but seriously 6 hours guys!!"
"Exactly. it went forever. I was I swear 99.9% sure that I was going to fall asleep there at one point" I say and the other giggle
"The kids are in bed even Emily but we better wake her up and get going"
"Oh no stay. it'll be fun. we only have set tomorrow and you can sleep in the guest bedroom. seriously if Ems already asleep then you may as well"
"Really? wow thanks britt we'd love that. we might just need to pop home in the morning to get changed before set" Alex says and I smile nodding
"Ok. cool. you guys want to watch a movie? it's only 8:30" I suggest and the others nod
"Ill get popcorn" Trevor says standing up and I stand up too going to find a movie.
"What do you say to the TNS Live: The Movie?" I suggest
"Yes!! We never went on that and even though I have seen this clip a thousand times it never gets old" zac says and I smile as Trevor comes in with a blanket and two bowls of popcorn as I snuggle up to him a press play and the well know tune starts to play.

"This is out time. everyone loose control. Oh Oh Oh. Let the celebration begin cause we're here"

That tour is unforgettable. At the time it was definitely one of the best times of my life in so so long. But right now, and even though its her to admit it, my life beats that time. because right here and right now is how I planned my life to turn out to be. and I'm just so so happy it did.

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