We know this like it was yesterday

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A/N: This chapter will be all on Trittanys wedding and how they tell their kids about it. If you want more detail on this; refer to the chapters earlier in the story. The wedding is a 3 part special so make sure you don't get confused :)

Trevor pov
I flash my mind back to our wedding day and everything that happened. it was such an eventual day like I can't even emphasise that enough
"Well sweetie. our wedding day was like no other" I start off smiling to Britt to reassure her everything will be ok. she is really sensitive on topics like this so I have to be careful.
"So usually before you get married as you know the man has to propose to the girl. he gets down on knee and says kind words about the girl and then says 'will you marry me? Well Daddy had to do that too" I explain in third person
"Mummy had the best day of her life" she says and I chuckle
"So this day it was me and mummy's 4 year anniversary. meaning 4 years of being girlfriend and boyfriend" I continue as she sees the children's faces; watching on awe, at me listening to the story. I smile and keep going
"We had had a nice night before and things between us may have gone a little too far. we won't go into detail about that though because you know you're Aunty Alex can explain that further for you; I'm sure she would love to describe it more to you.
Anyways so while you're mum was at home, I went over to her mum and dads place which is your grandma and grandpas house and asked grandpa for permission; which is what Jane shad to do with Isaac. remember? so I asked him if I could marry your mum and he said yes. when I came back, I had the ring all planned out and was planning on asking her that's night as it was out anniversary. but my plans were intervened with after your mum as soon as I came back, told me that she was pregnant. that baby turned out to be Riley" I say as Riley smiled
"Yeah babe you. you were conceived before we were en married meaning that you were technically at the wedding just in your mums tummy"
She nods "what does conceived mean?"
"Yeah so again that ones for Alex sweetie ok?" She giggle and smiles back at me
"Alex is going to be having a lot of those conversations at this rate" Britt mutters and I laugh  before continuing on with my story
"So after your mum told me we were having a baby, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me" I say and Riley awwws yet she's 6 which I find really cute
"Did you kiss?"
"Yeah. "
"Yeah"i say staring into britts eyes

"So it came to the wedding day and we had a few mishaps in the morning. you wouldn't understand what as you are too young but technically we nearly lost Riley and your mum ended up in the hospital. it's a very touchy topic that we don't really like mentioning tag often so we won't discuss it much further.
So after the mornings incidents, we went back to our houses and got ready. mummy wore a white dress and Victoria, Alex, Jennie and Aunty Sam were her bridesmaids and Zac, Isaac, Lamar were my best men. we as the ceremony where guess what kids- we kissed again and had out Photos taken and our reception was held. it, riley, coming back to your question, we can't really say was the best day of our lives as of what happened in the morning but from about 11:00 onwards, it was by far the BEST DAY EVER" I finish. Riley claps me and James swings on his chair smiling

"Don't do that buddy- you'll fall off" britt says and he immediately stops but keeps smiling. I get up and places our plates in the dishwasher and we all go to the lounge room.
"You and mummy are so cute together but that doesn't mean I want you to kiss again" Riley says
"Well I'm sorry riles bit that ain't ever going to happen" I say getting up and going near Brittany and giving her a kiss. I block Riley's eyes with my spare had and she giggles as me and Britt share our passionate kisses
'Ewwwww daddy. disgusting. I am 6 you know." She reminds me and I giggle
"Yes Im sorry gorgeous just forgot your age for a minute there"I say sarcastically.
There's a large silence and all we can hear is the roads outside.
"Ok James. Riles. Bedtime!!" I yell
"The slowest one to brush their teeth, her their pjs on and say goodnight to mummy has a 2 minute tickle fight from me. GO!!!!" I scream and they both squeal, running up the stairs and into the bathroom
"They are the cutest" I smirk at Britt, sitting down again
"It's only like 7:30. I'm exhausted" Britt says and I giggle
"Being pregnant surely makes you tired"
"Like nothing else"
"Well tomorrow will be a treat. make sure that gets filmed twenty thousand times. I can't wait for tomorrow. it will be hilarious babe" he says as I giggle

Victoria pov
Tomorrow is going to be......the worst day EVER invited. I may as well say Bye-Bye to my Family Channel good girl Reputation.

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