New Day New Life

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So I didn't get to 10K 😓 but I did get over half way which is amazing!! And I will update too so you're in for a treat. tribute to jiley_perfect1 for this chapter xx

Trevor POV
I wake up after what feels like hours of sleep. Brit was exhausted yesterday and do was I. I wake up quietly leaving Brit to sleep- God love her and make my way downstairs to get some hot chocolate and breakfast. I turn on my phone and immediately am covered with notifications

25 missed calls from Lamar
132 Instagram alerts
52 Twitter tags
250 email news alerts from Google for my name
20 missed calls from various news agencies
3 calls from the Today Show number
5 texts from Isaac
3 texts from Zac

What is going on? I need Brittany for this. I walk back upstairs and pretend to be still in bed . I crawl back into bed and pretend to yawn while placing my arms around Brits shoulder. she awakes and yawns too. she rolls over and looks me in the eyes. damn j forgot how cute she is when she wakes up.

"Morning gorgeous" I say
"Hey babe. what's up? It looks like you have been awake for ages?" She says. boy she know me too well!!
"How did you know? Even when your pregnant you're smart! Ha ha yeah but I'm not up for a good reason though" I say disappointed
"Yeah Trevor I'm not dumb when I'm pregnant. ha ha." she says sarcastically
"Anyways what's up?" She says sitting up and facing me.

"Why don't you take a look?" I say passing her my phone. she predominantly takes it and scrolls through. her face- priceless
"Trevor. what the hell is this?" She asks
"I don't know. but it will take me a long time to figure it out. wait a minute I will call Lamar first. "

I take my phone and dial his number.
"Hello?" He answers
"Hi man. I missed 25 calls from you- what's going on?" I ask
"Oh......yeah..., check your insta."
"Ok call you back. bye."
I turn my phone off and flick to my Instagram app. I see I am tagged to many posts from random people.

I show Brit. especially one I cannot believe.
'Ex Next Step stars rush out of hospital in guilt @b_raymond @vicbalde '
I show Brit who was crying at this stage.
"I can't believe they would actually take photos at a time like this. but what does it have to do with you?" She asks
"I don't know let me look"
I scroll further down
'Double Date for these 4' @trevorflanny @b_raymond @vicbalde @isaaclupien'

"Uh oh. It was the date. the fan that came up to us. he must've posted something and now the whole world knows. everyone must've gotten to it. oh no what are we going to do?"
"Don't worry Trev we can't do anything about it. its kind of a good thing that the whole world knows about our date." She says

"Yeah I guess. I just need to know what the others are about first though."
I log onto twitter and see that lots of people have tagged me in photos like #cutetrittany #doubledate
@trevorflanny like really- you serious guys!!!!

Then I check my Google news alerts and its just telling me that I'm everywhere- the cats out of the bag; I went on a double date and t bet friends wife went in labour early and the baby died in front of their eyes. yeah yeah. I know. don't need to keep going on about it. this is starting to get frustrating

I call the today show too
"Hello. Trevor Tordjman?" they ask
"That's me" I say quite coldly
"Yeah we are so sorry to disturb you at this time in your life with jennie be Lamar and everything but we were waning to know if you and Brit could come in and talk to us on the show. it would just be about your life at the moment, te reunion movie, the new baby unit you have, our dance life and maybe about what happened with jennie and Lamar if you're up to it." the women named Jessica says

"Ammm yeah sure no worries. is Monday ok? I have quite a tough schedule tomorrow and would really like to be there for my friends at this point in their lives?"
"Yeah Mondays fine. thanks so much Trevor talk to you soon. Bye!"
"All good. Thanks alot. take care."
And I hang up

"So Brit looks like we have an interview on Monday with the Today Show. thy just want to ask us about our lives, dance, the movie, our kids, the new child area at the studio and maybe jennie ad Lamar if we're up to it but we will tell them that on the day." I say to brit as she is coming out of the bathroom dressed after having a shower.

"Yeah sure babe that's fine. Be so much fun. we will just leave the kids at the set and we will have to come in late?" She says
" Wow you look nice by the way and yes sure that sounds good. Also should we tell them about the baby?"

"I think that might be a good idea. you know how much i hate rumours so i would rather let the cat go then be hammered to the ground with the media." he says

"Yeah totally agree but I think you will be hammered to the ground anyway Brit!" I say

"What do you mean?" she ask
"You tell me....." I say seductively as I push her back onto the bed as we begin our steamy make out session until she pulls apart 20 minutes later.

"Trevor as much as I'd like to continue this, I think we should go wake up the kids" she says breathing heavily

'Yeah. you're probably right." I say

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