Home Sweet Home

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Brittany POV

So we have just arrived back in Toronto and I am so excited. after a long plane ride I really just want to go to sleep in my own warm and comfortable bed, but I guess that's not going to happen because Zac and Alex have invited us around to their place to talk about our trip and about Lamar and Jennie (I can't wait to tell them the news) and about the reunion. I'm actually, even though I am really tired, looking forward to it. it should be nice to catch up with them............

Trevor POV
We have arrived at Zac and Alex's and are waiting on what they have to tell us. we have said hello to Emily and showed Riley and James to her and she honestly can't stop playing with them. it's just too cute.
"So what's your surprise? what do you have to tell us?" britt asks
"Well since we have Emily and have known each other for so long we're engaged!! We're getting married in May during filming for the new reunion thing." Alex said excitedly.
"OMD. are you serious?" Vic asks
"Yeah. zac proposed about two days ago actually." she says smiling at Zac
"Yeah It was our 6 year anniversary and so I took her out for dinner and then i took her for a nice walk on the beach and we sat down to talked and then just as we were cleaning up I was on one knee and Alex though I was picking up rubbish until she saw the ring. hahah. it was really sweet. and the best thing was she said yes!!" Zac said
"Hahaha. wow you guys that's so great!" I say man hugging Zac
"Yeah congrats you guys." Isaac says giving Zac a handshake and Alex a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
'Aww so there's going to be an official Alac in the house is there? hahah. I'm so happy for you both. that was such a sweet story" Brit says as she gives both of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah it's tots adorable. does Em know yet?" Vic says giving both of them a hug
"Yeah she does. we sort of had to tell her when she saw my new rig yesterday. she said mummy what is that big rock on your hand? and I just laughed" Alex said and pretty much everyone started laughing as hard as Alex was.
"So do you guys want to come and help me with the BBQ and let the girls gossip for a bit?" Zac asks. I nod and so does Isaac and we kiss our respective wives and leave the room for some bro time.

"So....... are you excited?" I ask Alex
"Yeah of course. oh my god it was the nicest most romantic proposal- it was all a girl could ever want." she says. me and Brit awwwwww her and smile.
"Do you think now that you're settled and committed to spending the rest of your lives together, you might have another baby?" Brit asks
"Yeah. actually I do. I really want another one but I know Zac doesn't as he doesn't want me going through all that pain again." alex says back
"Yeah I get you. labour is torture. have you tried for one?" I say
"Yeah that's the other thing and you promise you can't tell anyone- not Even Zac as I haven't told him yet and I'm not planning too just yet. I got a call yesterday from our midwife who delivered Emily and because I went for a fertility test with Zac the other day- she had the results. unfortunately they weren't good as there was something wrong with him. I was in tears. like literally balling my eyes out I was so upset but I didn't want Zac to know just yet as he will feel really bad as he knows i want another baby. I'm now not knowing what I do as I have 2 options- a surrogate mother or adopting." Alex says
Britt and I are gobsmacked and are speechless until Brit speaks up.
"Oh. we had know idea. oh Alex we are so sorry. but I think you should tell Zac- I mean he is the part that has gone wrong. it's better to be safe then sorry you know." she says
"Yeah I know what you mean. I think I will and then I am discuss it better with him. anyway how have you girls been. how was Australia?" Alex says ending the conversation of her issues.
"Oh my god it was so good. we even met up with Lamar and Jennie who announced they were preg---" she stopped talking as she knew what she was about to say wasn't right and it would hurt Alex so bad. it was complete silence for about 2 minutes.
"Alex I'm so sorry. I jut should've kept my mouth shut." britt said
"No it's not your fault. I need to get over it. everyone my age at the moment is either pregnant or having a baby and so I have to get used to the news. it's ok. honest."Alex says
"Are you sure?" i ask reassuringly
"Positive. now do you girls want to help me with the salad?" Alex asks

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