Ho Ho Ho ❤️ (Part 2)

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Trevor POV
I literally melt out of my clothes when I see Britt walk down he stairs looking like a complete model. seriously she looks incredible. we all sit down on our couch waiting for the others until we hear the door bell ring

"Ill get it!" Britt says and rushes to the door
I pick up Emma as Riley helps James move to the door to greet whoever is there

"Hey! Merry Christmas!" Alex says
"Alex, Zac! hi how are you? Merry Christmas! Come in" I say
"We're going well as newly weds. how are you guys?" Zac asks carrying Emily as they come in
"Hi Emily. yeah we're good. Emma is going really well. not too hard. still looking adorable!" Britt says as we make our way back to the couch and sit down.

"So. Enjoy your morning emily?" I ask
She nods
"Yes yes yes. I got the biggest doll house in the world. Riley you have to see it!" she squeals
"Oh ri got a doll house too. babe do you want to go and show Emily?" I ask Riley as she nods and leads Emily excitedly to her room

"Haha. those girls are like two peas in a pod. just adorable they are" Alex says
"Yeah totally they have been besties since they were born. they are so lucky to her each other. do you guys want a drink?" Britt asks Alex and Zac
"Champagne Brittany please." Alex says
"Just a beer thanks Britt" Zac says
"Sure thing ill be back in a ------"Britt says but is interrupted with squeals and laughter coming from upstairs

"Riley? what's going on up there?" brittany calls out
We hear silence and then footsteps coming down the stairs

"Mum. Guess. What? Emily. Has. The. Same. Doll house. As . Me!!!!!!" she squeals as Emily is laughing
"Oh girls. You must've both been on Santas nice list this year!" Zac says as they are still laughing
"Haha yeah. ok ill be back" Britt says before leaving the room

"So riley? what else did you get this morning sweetie?" Alex asks Riley as Riley climbs on her lap
"Well I got all of the seasons from the next step signed and the book collection too. even though I know everyone it's still good to show off to my friends or as dad calls it "show off that they're celebrities" which technically they are. we get white lighted all the time" she explains. white lighted meaning paparazzi flashes.

"Very nice." Alex says sweetly
Riley nods before going back upstairs with Emily to play
Britt comes in with drinks and we just start talking again until we hear the doorbell again

"Coming" Britt says as she rushes to the door again. this time she come sin with Isaac and Victoria as well as maddie.
'Hi guys! merry christmas!" I say getting up to greet them all
"Merry Christmas! it's so nice to see you all again!!" they say giving us All a hug and kiss on the cheek

Not long after we have talked, jennie and Lamar come In and we catch up before swapping presents.
"Ok Secret Santa time" Britt says excitedly

Everyone gets in a circle with their present in front of them
"Ok Britt you go first" I say
"Ok then" she says before standing with her present and moving to Lamar

"Ah. I knew it." everyone says
Lamar opens it and finds a huge bouncy ball that is signed by every fan he knows. its pretty incredible and I know Britt spent a long time doing it but he loved it.

Next was Lamar's turn to give his gift. he got up and walked over to vic. Victoria revealed it was a $40 manicure voucher which she love hugely since she's a "beauty queen" according to Isaac

Victoria got up next with her present and give it to jennie
"What is this?" jennies said laughing
"Oh my god!" jennie says unravelling the gift in laughter
"You actually didn't!" she says
"I did!" vic says giggling
"What is it?" Alex asks
"Sound tech for dummies book." jennies says laughing even more
"Thankyou vic. I'm sure I will.....love it" she says
Then it all makes sense- when we had the next step live on stage Victoria and jennie got to control the sound systems but apparently didn't go very well. she probably did it as a joke

Anyways after Victoria it was jennies turn to give a gift. she moved her way over to Zac and he started laughing when he saw the hair of the gift. when he unwrapped it, it turned out to be a vegemite jar (as a joke) and a ticket to a music festival which he was very happy about

It was zacs turn next and he slowly moved his way towards me
"Hi" I say
"Hey. merry Christmas bro"
"Haha thanks" I reply
I open the gift and I just laugh. I show it to everyone and t is a beer opener shaped as a beer bottle. everyone else starts laughing too until we all die down

It's my run next and I get my gift well envelope and move over to Alex and place it in her hands
"Merry christmas Alex from your secret Santa" I say as she giggles
"Thanks trevor" she says as she unwraps her $40 facial voucher and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek

I sit back down and then realise that neither Isaac or Brittany have received a gift yet.

Alex stands and walks over to Isaac. he smiles as he unwraps his very small gift.
"A cd?" he says
"A cd" Alex confirms
She plugs it into the tv as it shows various 'eldon' moments from the show. its vey funny and lasts about 5 minutes
"Thanks Alex" he says
"You're welcome. merry christmas" he says going him a hug and a kiss on the cheek

Everyone stares at brittany as we all know he's the last one left.
Isaac stands and makes his way over to her and motions her to follow him. of course we all follow as we want to see too. he leads us however to me and Britts room ad at first I thought- oh no where is this going to lead! but then I had second decisions when I saw a box shape on the wall covered with wrapping paper and a ribbon around it. may i say it was quite odd!

"Isaac? what is this?" Britt says clearly as shocked as I am
"Why don't you have a look?" he says smiling as Britt walks over to the wall slowly ripping away the wrapping paper revealing something amazing.

"Oh my gosh! Isaac!" she says nearly crying
"That's amazing. thankyou so much" she says really excitedly while hugging and probably suffocating Isaac.
Everyone turns to the wall where it is revealed Isaac had put the photo of me and Britt kissing on Christmas Day the first one after our wedding on a big canvas in our room.
It was pretty amazing.

We got our of our room and made our way back to the lounge room/ kitchen where we just continued eating, drinking and chatting until it was finally time for Christmas Lunch!!

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