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Brittany pov
"I can't do it anymore. I'm going home to Blake. I'll see you girls later" Isaac says nearly breaking down as he gives us hugs
"Oh Isaac. it's alright. are you sure you don't want to stay and be with her? she might wake up." Alex says
"I'll come back after I get Blake. he should be here too but I'll just see how it goes"
"Ok. stay strong Isaac. We will keep you updated. can you tell Trevor and James and zac to come ASAP please?" Alex asks him
"Sure thing. bye"
"Bye isaac" I say as he leaves the hospital
My phone rings and sure enough it's Trevor
"Hi babe. We are leaving now. do you girls want anything. we can get Starbucks?"
"Yes please. just my favourite please"
"Ok Britt. see you in 20"
I hang up and sit back down in my seat next to Alex
"He's coming in 20. just stopping at Starbucks"
"Wow he's great. you're one lucky girl brittany"
"Oh he's bringing you some too"
"Oh haha. good I'm thirsty"
"Oh god Alex you're too funny" I say and then my phone rings. again
"Hi Britt it's jennie"
"Hey Jen. what's up?"
"I jut wanted to check to see how the girls are. Trevor spilt it all at the wedding. everyone went home absolutely traumatised. are you and Alex ok?"
"Yeah we're fine. just In shock still. the girls definitely aren't though. they are both in critical condition. Isaac is in beyond devastation. just absolutely broken"
"Oh poor darling. I got to go but I'll talk to you later. give them my love for me"
"Will do. Bye jennie"
I hang up again and turn to Riley who seems to be enjoying herself in the floor with Emily. they are like twins they are so close
"Having fun there Ri?"
She nods and the doctor comes in
"Brittany, Alex and Isaac" he says again
"Just Britt and Alex here. the husband went home. To much. should be back with his son later though" Alex explains
He nods before continuing "you can go and see Maddie now"
We shake our heads before very nervously entering the hospital room seeing Maddie laying in the bed with chords everywhere and tubes all over her body. she already has a cast on her broken bones and bandages on all her cuts and bruises. the poor girl. her mum is in worse condition and her dad is just too unstable to see her.
"Hey sweetie" I say walking over to her as I give her a smile and stroking her head
"How are you feeling?"
She holds up 7 fingers and I nod "that's what the doctor thought"
"Do you know what happened?" Alex asks
She shakes her head. Alex breathes heavily and i shake my head
"I got this" I tell her and she smiles
"Darling both you and your mum were in a car crash. you have several broken bones and your mum is in a coma, meaning she is asleep and can't wake up. we don't know when she will or if she will but we know that you're ok and should survive" I finish holding her hand that is available
"You ok darling?" Alex asks her. she shakes her head as a tear drops from her eye.
"Awww Maddie. hey sweetie. it's ok. everything's going to be fine. look at me?" I soothe her
"Everything's going to be fine" I repeat and I squeeze her hand as she weakly smiles up at me
"Alex and Brittany. We need to do some more testing on Maddie. can you please exit the room now please?"
I nod my head, letting go of Maddie, before walking out of the room with Alex and back into the waiting room to find my husband, Zac, James and the girls all taking a selfie next to the big giraffe in the corner. it's supposed to be a height chart.
"Trevor!!!" I half scream
"Sorry babe but Ri wanted a pic with the giraffe" he says and I giggle
"It's ok it's just that I want to be in it" I tell him and he laughs
After we pose with the giraffe, we sit down again and I give trev and zac the updates. James has already told me he doesn't want to know now but he only eats to know hen Maddie is ok and that's when he'll see her. I just agreed with him because after all it is his wedding day
"Hey guys" Isaac says re-entering the room with Blake in his arms. they are dressed in different clothes, indicating they went home to change. they sit down next to us
"How are they?" he whispers to me as he puts Blake in his stroller next to him
"We talked to Mads just earlier and she said she was a 7. she started crying when we told her what happened but we reassured her so its ok. she is doing testing currently though. no news on vic though. " I explain
"Ok thanks Britt. I'm going to ask if we can stay the night cause half out family's here and I just think its the most appropriate. you guys should I home. it's nearly 6pm"
"Really!!? it feels like 4."
"Yeah I know. we'll the wedding was supposed to be at 2 so it's been 4 hours."
"Ok. we should get going. we'll be here again next Sunday for our ultrasound though so if she's still here, we'll be here a while" I explain standing up, giving Isaac a hug
"Ok. bye Britt."
"Come on guys. lets go home. we have filming tomorrow trev" I announce as they get themselves ready
"Oh yeah I was supposed to tell you that frank heard what happened and he's going us the day off because of what's going on today and the stress and everything" Isaacs says and I smile
"Ok. looks like its sleep ins tomorrow guys. come on tordjmans. bye guys" I say giving everyone hugs and heading out

It's now 11pm and I'm sitting in bed waiting for Trevor and I can't stop thinking about today. 12 hours ago, everything was normal and the way it should be and now, it's like our lives have changed just because if one stupid driver.

I get the picture of us with the giraffe and post it on Instagram

'Somehow we end up in the big white building again. Today I realised that one driver can change not only 1 life but a million others. #GetWellSoonVictoria #StayStrong @vicbalde @isaaclupien @trevorflanny @iAmAlBeaton @zacvran'
I hit send and turn my phone off, having a quick glance at my home screen photo. all of the cast on Christmas Day last year.

Maybe this year it may not be the same. Maybe this year we might be 1 cast member short. Get Well Soon Victoria. You're in our hearts everyday xxx

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