Old Friends, old times

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Brittany POV
After a long plane ride with 2 screaming toddlers, we finally got to Perth. I was so relived I mean its really hard to balance your life and the kids. tomorrow we would be meeting up with jennie and Lamar and it will be good to catch up with them after so long.

After the next step finished we were all really social and we all stuck together. When we were 22 though Jennie got a scholarship to the Australian Ballet and so she and Lamar moved to Perth to pursue her dancing career. Every now and then they pop up to Come and see us and it always gives us such a fright. the last time I saw them was when James was born I think and they came up to see him.

Trevor POV
We all sit down on the couch in our room as we all dump our bags in the floor. Exhausted and jet lagged. Although the time difference was only two hours behind, we were still quite jet lagged from when we got to Sydney as it was quite a long time to get here. I go into our bags and open up a packet of Doritos for everyone to share. I get some drinks for everyone and we all sit down and plan our week.......

The next day...........
Brittany POV
Finally we are going to see our long long friends today!!!! I can't wait to see them both. We all get up and get ready before making our way to their house. Wow. It's big.
"Hello" I say quite loudly from outside the door. we hear footsteps and voices and we soon realise they are coming.
"Hi! Oh my god. It's been forever. How are you?????" jennie says
"Hey. I'm really good. we have just come from Queensland and just got back last night."
"Oh you guys must be so tired then."
"Yeah I believe you Henry met properly in person James, Riley and Maddie." I say lifting up the blanket that is above James's carry car seat thing. I give Lamar a kiss on the cheek and walk in with the kids allowing Jen and Lamar to greet the others. I sit the kids down and put James's basket down on the couch next to me. I look around. The whole house is filled with pictures of Jens dance group, Lamar's studio and there are a lot of he cast and many tns live on stage pics too. its a wonderful house. Soon Riley stands and walks away- probably to go stand with Trevor. I leave Maddie and James asleep in their seats before vic and jennie soon walk in together.
"Do you like the house? We just finished renovating" jennie asked
"Oh yeah. I love it. It's so original" I say
"Did the kids bring their swimsuits??" she asks
"Yeah. they did. I thought you would've had a pool since most Aussies do because of the heat So I figured I may as well bring Riley's. James barely know how to walk then go swimming so I think he will just watch. " I say
"Ha ha ok then great. would you girls like a drink?" she asks
"Oh yes please. is their champagne?" I say
"Yeah I could do with some of that."
"Of course. this is a celebration girls- every celebration needs champas!!!!"
We sit down with our drinks but I realise that jennie has got orange juice instead.
"Ammm Jen. why have you got orange juice. you said champas was for a celebration so why aren't you......wait are you????"
"Pregnant. Yes. 3 weeks today!!!!!!"
"Omg. Jennie thats amazing. does Lamar know??" vic says
"Yeah obviously he was the one who told me to take the test."
"Ha ha. well congrats girl. do you think we should start on lunch?" I ask
"Yeah sure thing. If you could get the salad and the chicken out of the fridge- we are having chicken fajitas on the BBQ. is that alright? the kids can have just a roll with this stuff vegemite on it if they want?"
"Vegemite?? What's that??" Vic and I say in sync.

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