Dinner Dates and Never Lates- Part 1

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Alexandra POV
So Brit and Trevor along with Isaac and Victoria have just come in in our lunch break without the kids and asked us if we could babysit mMaddie James and Riley for Saturday night

At first I was hesitant because i was like what about me and zac but then I agreed because they do have new borns in the house and we have a have year old (I think) so it's a lot harder.

Brittany POV
We have packed the kids bags rest to stay at Jennie and Lamar's . they were all happy for them to stay over. as I thought Jennie loved the idea as it was just more practice as she was now 6 months along and starting to show too. the whole cast is sleeping over while Trevor, Isaac and Vic and I go out for an adults night out at a fine restaurant and then back to our own homes for....... you know.....

I get dressed into this really casual but smart white top that has frills down the middle and a tight black skirt with black heels. I also put on my makeup; quite heavy but light at the same time. then because I have washed my hair, I blow dry it and curl it. I stand in the mirror one week pregnant yet I still look beautiful.

I walk down the stairs and into the arms of my handsome prince who has I look more beautiful than anyone he has ever met or dated. especially his mum. I laugh but also start becoming quite emotional as it is my damn hormones messing me up.

"So what was the restaurant again?" Trevor asks for like the 10th time. we are on our way to the restaurant and he is really lost.
"Bliss. it's on the main road on the corner." I told him for the 10th time. I know Trevor and I know quite well that he has the worst memory so I try to keep my cool. being pregnant and all- that's not easy.

We arrive at Bliss about half and hour later as Trevor finally finds his way and we are late.
"Babe. we are late. it's like 20 past 6 and we promised to meet no later than 6." I say clearly annoyed.
"You always do this. you ask me 9 times and you still can't remember and then the tenth time I have had enough but Try and keep calm with you. but you still can't re----" I am cut off by the soft but passionate lips of my one and only
"MEmber. I know. and I'm sorry. but hey- 'don't even worry about it' . Come on let's go in." he says calmly. how does he do it??
"Ok. " I say nodding my head and holding Trevor's hand as we go in the restaurant.

"We have a reservation but its clearly obvious that our table hasn't been forgotten. our friends are there already. it was under Tordjman. " Trevor says as I glance around the restaurant and spot Isaac and Vic waving madly at us obviously clearing stating that they're here.

"Hi. how are you?" I say as they both get up and greet me and Trevor. I kiss them both on the cheek and give them a hug.

"Can I offer you any drinks from our deluxe range of alcohol?"asks the waiter as he comes around.
"Wait a minute. are you all from the how the next step? Ammm. let me et your names: Trevor, bBrittany Victoria and.......... Isaac?" he guesses
"Yes. correct. How did you know. you don't watch it do you at our age?" Vic says
"No no. my daughter is a hug fan and has been since she was 8." He says
"Oh that's cute. would she like an autograph. we can do one on the napkin if you like?" I ask
"If its not too much trouble. that would be great." he says

We all sign on the napkin with a special message and hand it tothe waiter
"Thankyou so so much. she will love it. you're a lifesaver. Now would you like any drinks?" He says in return
"Pleasure. well yes ill have the Moët champagne please." Vic says
"And I'll just have a beer." Isaac says
"Any kind." the waiter asks
"Not really any would be fine for me." Isaac replies
"Ok. sir would you desire any beverage tonight?" he ask Trevor
"Ammm yes I'll have the beer too. any kind." he says
"Madam?" he asks me
"Oh no. just a mineral water please." I say hoping he wouldn't bring up the topic of me being pregnant. I wasn't ready to tell the world yet.
"Ok. certainly. coming right up." he says
I breath a sigh of relief and Trevor, Isaac and Vic all look at me.
"Lucky. is all I can say." Trevor says
I just smile and put my hand on his under the table. what a night we have for ahead of us.....

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