Framed Memories

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Brittany Pov
Today's the day. The day my son gets married to my best friends daughter. Never knew it was going to happen.....yet now, when they aren't even through half a decade of their lives yet. They are both really excited and everyone who basically Trevor and I and Victoria and Isaac know will be there.

It's kind of strange I guess- you know the thought of a four year old getting married. Whenever I post something on Instagram or Twitter about it there are always heaps of comments asking what it's about and what's going on as tbh it's a bit strange the thought of this wedding idea. But it was them who came up with the idea and it was them who wanted to do it. It was just us who gave them permission to do it.

Right now, I am at Maddies house with Riley, Emma, Emily, Victoria and Alex. Jennie at the moment is picking up the dresses from the dry clean as the last time we wore them......I really prefer not to talk about it but let's just say that they had lots of blood and black stains over them from the crash. Me and Alex also had to get the dresses up a size as our bump grew but that was it. Everything else was the way it was a couple of weeks ago and that's the way we planned it to be now. We hope.

Trevor POV
We're at my house right now fixing James's tux that I swear a mouse could fit into it was that's small. It looked adorable on him though- Britt is going to love it. I am here with Isaac, James, Lamar, Blake and Zac. We are all ready to go; just waiting for this tux and then we are leaving. We are getting there early like last time and hopefully this time we won't have to wait like 2 hours for the bride.

I tell the guys that they should go ahead in Isaac's car and me and James will take my car as I wanted to have a little boy to man talk with James before the wedding. I know Victoria did the same with Maddie and we all know how that turned out but I can assure that that is NOT going to happen.
"Dad!!" James screams from upstairs
"What's this?" He asks
"Well I don't know because you're upstairs and do you think I can see that far!?" I joke and I can hear him giggle.
"Sorry daddy. I'll show you......downstairs" he says giggling and I laugh as I hear little footsteps come down the stairs. He comes over to me and hands me a black frame with a picture inside it.
"Where did you find this buddy?" I ask him obviously noticing what it is
"On the wall in your room"
"What is it?"
"It's me and mummy's wedding photo"
"Really? Mummy looked so beautiful"
"Yeah....I know she did didn't she?"
"When did you first love mummy?"
"When you weren't even born. Neither was ri. It was when we were shooting the next step."
"Wow. That's a long time ago. Did she love you?"
"I think so. Well that's what she's told me."
There's a pause and then he speaks
"I love you daddy" he says giving me a hug and I smile
"I love you too James but we better hurry and get to that wedding of yours before it starts!" I remind him
"Oh yeah! I forgot!" He says and I chuckle
He starts walking but I stop him
"Oh wait James."
"Can I get a photo of you in your tux with the picture next to you please? I'm sure Mummy would love to see it"
"Ok" he says. Wow- he's really good other photos. I guess cause of all the paparazzi he's used to it
He stands next to the frame and I snap a photo of him, smiling as I take it.
"Great! Thank you James. Now you go to the toilet and I will just send this to mummy. Then we'll leave"
"Ok daddy" he says rushing off the bathroom
While he's there I don't send it to Britt but instead post it on Instagram:
'James found this and it brought back so many memories. Can't believe this boys 4 and he's getting married. So proud of you buddy. Love you #MyWedding #MummyLooksBeautiful #4YearOldWedding @b_raymond'

I post it and instantly get lots of cute comments back like
"Awwww so cute. Congrats James"
"@b_raymond is beautiful!! Look at her- she's so young"
"Congratulations James and Maddie. Have fun on your big day :)"

I smile to myself just as James comes out of the bathroom.
"Right then. Let's go." I say grabbing my keys and phone as we head in the car and drive to the wedding chapel
"I can't wait!" James says excitedly
"I know you can't. Not long now" I say as we pull up just outside the driveway
"Ok. Make me proud and make Riley jealous, James. Good luck little man" I encourage him, giving him a hug as we step out of the car and into the church where already loads of people are crowded and are seating. As we are waking down the aisle to take out places, we wave to some of the people who we know before taking our seats at the front. Isaac, me and Zac are his best man while Blake is in the audience, with Isaacs mum, too little to do anything. Maddie has Britt, Alex, Jennie and Victoria as her bridesmaids while Riley and Emily and Emma are her flower girls.

I turn to James and he smiles at me as the priest tells us all to stand, indicating that everyone is ready.
"You ready James?" I whisper to him and he nods his head. I can tell he looks nervous.
"Ok I'll be at the back. I have to walk down with mummy. Ok? Good luck!" I say giving him a side hug before going to the back of the room

This is it. The wedding starts. Right now.

The Next Step: 6 Years OnМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя