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"Emily" I freeze for a minute wondering what the hell is going on

"Em. Babe. What's going on back there sweetie?" I question and there's still silence
Zac turns around as we pull over and he turns back to me looking pale and white
"What" I groan afraid at how bad it might be.
"Car sick. Thrown up. Everywhere."
"Ew. Agh Emily sweetie you ok beautiful?" I ask her and she still stays quiet
"Oh you poor baby" I comfort her as I get out of my car door and walk around to the back seat, trying to make sure she's ok
Once she's cleaned up and we stopped up at Maccas for some napkins and some bottled water, we kept going on out ride; Emily in the middle with the windows down, no more movies and water every 5 minutes. I also sat in the back with her just to make sure she was ok.
"You know sweetie when I was little I used to always get carsick. Mainly from squishing up against my sister and being forced to watch movies so i get the yucky feeling you feel right now" she smiles weakly at me and I sigh
"Why don't we try some singing?" I offer and she smiles

Emily LOVES singing. She is the junior girls choir at school even though she's 8 and she is always in school plays and drama productions (just like I was) at school too. Very artsy and imaginative. Just a little me
"Why don't we sing Fire and Flood by Vance Joy. I know you love that one Em" I suggest and she smiles giving me a hug and I see Zac chuckling as I instruct him to turn on Bluetooth for the song to play.
"You wanna go first Emily?" She nods and the song starts playing and I secretly hit record on my phone. This is bound to be popular on social media. My fans love this sort of stuff- especially since it's from Em.

"I was only walking through your neighborhood
Saw you out loud honey in the cold I stood
Anywhere I go there you are
Anywhere I go there you are" she sings and I smile as she belts it out and then looks at me as she gets ready for the chorus which is her next part after I sing the other verse part.

"I been getting used to waking up with you
I been getting used to waking up here
Anywhere I go there you are
Anywhere I go there you are

There you are
There you are" I sing and I can see Zac smiling and tapping his foot on the floor to the rhythm.

"You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood" Emily songs and I grin at her as she smiles, proud of herself. I high five her as I get ready to sing my next part.

"Since we met I feel a lightness in my step
You're miles away but I still feel you
Anywhere I go there you are
Anywhere I go there you are
Late at night when you can't fall asleep
I'll be lying right beside you counting sheep
Anywhere I go there you are
Anywhere I go there you are

There you are
There you are" I sing again and this time Zac joins in for the chorus.

"You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood--" he starts singing with Emily but she cuts him off
"Daddy this is my part" she says and Zac chuckles and then shuts up for the rest of the song. I giggle as Emily continues.
"Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood"

"Now listen here she said
Boy when you know you'll know
And I know

You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood" I finish and Emily claps me and I join in by smiling and resting a hand on my bump before clicking end record on my phone and turning it off. That was so much fun.

"Great work mummy!!" Emily smiles giving me a hug
"Well you're all better now sweetie. You were amazing" I say kissing her cheek
"Music always makes me feel better" she says and I smile to her
"Do you reckon the baby liked it?" I ask her and Zac smirks
"Totally babe. Not as much as me though. There's nothing better than my too favourite girls singing together" he compliments and I grin
"Definitely mum! I think the new baby will become a pop star just like me when they're older" she says kissing my stomach. I smile
"Really Em? You think so? A pop star?"
"Yeah. One like Taylor Swift- you're favourite remember mummy?" She smiles and I chuckle
"Yeah i remember. I loved her songs." I tell her and she giggles
"Well. Why don't we sing the songs that you used to like. Or you probably still do like?" She offers and I chuckle
"Only if you do it with me?" She beams
"Of course Mummy. Only the best pop stars sing with their mums"

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