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Alex pov
I look down at my new beautiful daughter. Her sparkling eyes are shut as she gracefully inhales every second. She's adorable. I love her so much. We haven't named her yet as that's up to Emily. We wanted to let her be part of it as she is her older sister and has been wanting a sibling for so long. I smile as I look up to my husband who is on the phone to the cast right now telling them about her.
"Hey Britt" is all I hear him say
"No no no. Nothing wrong this time" he chuckles and I smile
"Oh well Alex had the baby."
"Yeah she's adorable a little girl"
"What how did you know?!"
"She did do well. Secrets aren't usually her thing" I laugh as I knew Emily told them
"Oh perfect. See you soon then"
"Bye" he says and hangs up turning back to me smirking
"They're coming now to see her. Emily told them it was a girl too. Apparently she accidentally let it slip"
"Too funny! That's so typical Em. She's going to be over the moon once she meets this one"
"I know. But she won't be when she gets taken away"
"It's only for a week because she's premature but I know what you mean"
"Oh well. We're here for a week anyways Alex it won't really matter. You will be in here most of the time though. Well we all will but that alright" he says and I weakly smile looking back down at her
"It's worth it" i say and he smiles at me kissing my forehead as we wait for the others.

Brittany pov
"James!! Stop kicking your sister please!" I warn him as we are in the car on the way to the hospital. Everyone has gone in their own cars as its just easier.
"Sorry mummy"
"That's ok. Just don't do it again because it hurts Riley" I say to him and he looks at Riley
"Sorry Ri"
"That's alright. It only hurt a little bit" she says and then they hug and make up. I turn to Trevor
"They are adorable" I say to him and he chuckles looking in his rear view mirror as I take my phone out.
"Kids. Smile" I say to them as we reach the hospital.
"Cheese!!" They say as I flash the camera. I chuckle and so does Trevor as they undo their seat belts and hop out of the car.
"Ok this is a hospital guys ok. We have to be quiet. They're lots of people sleeping and there are also lots of sick people" I say to them as they hold hands and walk in towards the entrance. I smile again taking another picture. I can make a collage out this. My Instagram is going to be very loaded this week I just know it.

Trevor takes the stroller out of the back boot and sets it up, placing Emma in it as we walk in with Riley and James to see the new baby. Victoria and Isaac took Emily because there wasn't enough room in our car. They left shortly after us as we were the first to leave so they would be here soon as well.
"Aunty Alex!!!" Riley screams
"Riley Tordjman!! What did I say?" I whisper shout to her as we see Alex and Zac I the bed in the hospital. They laugh and so does Trevor but then he speaks up
"Beautiful. You have to be quiet remember?" He says as he lifts up Riley onto his shoulders
"Wow. James look. Isn't she beautiful!" I say to James
"Not as beautiful as Maddie."
"James!! Don't say that! Sorry Alex" I apologize for him
"It's ok. I understand" she chuckles
"Hey!!" Vic says walking in
"Maddie!!" James says
"They're inseparable" Zac says
"Hey Em sweetie. Want to meet your new sister?"
"YES YES YES!!" She squeals and I giggle. I remember Riley was likes this with Emma
"Come over here" Alex whispers and Emily smiles. Alex leans over a little so then Emily can reach her and have a look at her before she slowly strokes her head. I smile looking over at Trevor who gives me a side kiss. Riley smiles still on his shoulders
"Daddy!! Eww do you have to?!" She says and I chuckle not being able to reach her and give her a kiss too.
"So Em- what's the name?" Zac asks her as Emily sits on his lap on the chair next to the bed. I sit down next to Victoria with Blake in her lap asleep and Trevor who has Riley on his lap. Isaac is next to Victoria with his arm around her and the rat of the cast have just joined us including Jennie and Lamar who are all spread out across the room. James and Maddie are at the window of the room quietly chatting but it all goes silent when Emily speaks. It sure is a crowded hospital room though that's for sure.
" took a lot of thinking daddy i can say that" she says
"Well it's your name princess so it can be anything you want it to be. It will be special whatever it is."
"I know I know. I just wanted it to be a good name that's all" she says and I smile looking at Jennie across the room. We are all waiting- the room is so so quiet even Maddie and James are quiet.
"What's it going to be Em?" Zac asks again and Emily smiles

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